Dragon Age Legacy


The year is 9:34 Dragon, a time of relative peace and stability in southern Thedas.

It has been three years since two Grey Wardens – the younger son of the Cousland noble family, and Alistair Therin brother to King Cailan – ended the civil unrest in Ferelden and united the armies of Arl Eamon Guerrin of Redcliffe, the dwarves of Orzammar under King Bhelan, the Dalish elves of the Brecilian Forest, and the Ferelden Circle of Magi to defeat the darkspawn horde and kill the archdemon Urthemiel in the Battle of Denerim, thus ending the Fifth Blight.

The calm before the storm lays before us. The Hero of Ferelden has gone missing. Whispered rumors speak of unrest in the Circles of Magi. Though the blight ended, darkspawn are regularly sighted in the Deep Roads. And word has reached Jader that a Ferelden refugee named Hawke was named the Champion of Kirkwall after she saved the city from a Qunari incursion by killing the Arishok in single combat.

Jader is a port on the Waking Sea, an Orlesian city on the border with Ferelden, and occupies a geographically central position in southern Thedas, near the foothills of the frostback mountains and Orzammar. Travelers, merchants, and goods from across the known world have passed through Jader for ages, and it is home to people of diverse origins. The city holds many secrets, both new and old.

Every city in Thedas has its adventurers and heroes, and Jader is no different. Who will your character be?

Rating: RPG Rating 2 2 2 Players must be at least 18 years of age.
Please refer to the Rules and Expectations page for more information about how the 222 rating is interpreted.

ToS 2020 award display.png Awarded Outstanding Dragon Age in Ongoing World's Tournament of Simulations (ToS) for rpg posts in 2020. DA:L is listed on RPGfix

Latest News Items

» The End, for now

Posted on 20 Aug 2024 @ 5:05am by Mage Kalian Winter in General News

This Dragon Age: Legacy story has come to an end, at least for now in this format.

It has been a fun four years, and I wish to send my sincere thanks out to all of the writer-players who made this play-by-post rpg possible.

Hosting for this nova site is paid for through January 2025, so the site will remain 'up' until then.

Collectively, we wrote about 281,730 words of narrative. That's three novels!

For any players wishing to download the story posts, I have collected all of the posts from the seven total missions into three pdfs you can download if you wish:

Prologue and Lore's Labour's Lost

Summerday La Fête and Hall of the Phantom Shadow

Once Upon a Codex and Summer Nights in Jader and Bann Voyage

Happy Writing,
<3 Sprite

» April & May 2024 on Dragon Age:Legacy

Posted on 02 Jun 2024 @ 12:17am by Mage Kalian Winter in General News

Summary of posts completed in April and May

After the Night's Kiss set sail from Jader, Kalian approached Vasil at the railing. Vasil told Kalian what he knew about his new job as the ship's chief of security. Kalian said he was a mage, and invited Vasil to come by the Raven's Roost tavern where he worked beer when they returned to Jader. Rhiannon joined them, and explained a little more of their duties aboard ship.

The next day during the evening meal, enroute to West Hill Bannorn, the Night's Kiss's lookout spotted a drifting, derelict ship. Captain Jessamir's crew brought the ship closer, and several heroes volunteered to investigate. A tender was lowered into the water, then Rhiannon, Katya, Kithris, Rahvin, Vasil, and Barirmegrett climbed in and made ready to row across to the derelict ship.

» March 2024 on Dragon Age:Legacy

Posted on 06 Apr 2024 @ 12:52am by Mage Kalian Winter in General News

Summary of the post completed in March

As Rhiannon recommended, the adventurers spent the night on the ship and were already aboard when Jessamir commanded her crew to set sail. Vasil began his crew duties by searching the ship for stowaways. As first mate, Rhiannon was up late the night before and is up early in the morning. Kalian had an enlightening conversation with Jessamir, who explained the correct way for Kalian to propose to Rhiannon. Katya and Kithris emerged from their shared cabin, and Kithris became seasick. Elinowy also succombed to seasickness and asked Kalian to bring her hot water for tea.

Finally, the Night's Kiss set off for West Hill Bannorn.

» February 2024 on Dragon Age: Legacy

Posted on 06 Mar 2024 @ 6:38pm by Mage Kalian Winter in General News

Summary of posts completed in February

Ten days in the past, the night before Grey Warden Jaslyn is to leave on a mission for Mother Giselle and Lady Seryl, she meets fellow Grey Warden Rahvin outside Jader near the Grey Warden compound. They reminisce about their shared past and a potential new relationship is kindled between them.

After the meeting in the chantry where Mother Giselle and Lady Seryl asked our group of heroes to investigate the Bann of West Hill, his relic collection, and the fate of Grey Warden Jaslyn, Captain Jessamir provided Vasil with coin and charged her new security specialist with acquiring appropriate equipment. Among other shops in Jader, Vasil visited the Blue Steel blacksmith shop. The brothers - Derek the blacksmith and Hansel the salesman - welcomed him and eventually sold him a leaf style double-edged short sword.

» January 2024 on Dragon Age: Legacy

Posted on 02 Feb 2024 @ 3:37am by Mage Kalian Winter in General News

Summary of posts completed in January

Three days after clearing out the Baudelaire mansion, Katya and Kithris go on a date. Over dinner they confess their deep affection for each other.

Three weeks after the assassination attempt on Mother Giselle and other notable figures, many of our heroes were attending Chantry services presided over by Mother Giselle. Katya brought her new elven partner Kithris. Rhiannon and Kalian attended with Kalian's father and young niece. The new Knight Lieutenant Alexandra sat with Knight Captain Dunbar and the other Templars. Elinowy sang in the choir, and Grey Warden Rahvin waited in the back. After the service, Lady Seryl and Mother Giselle addressed the heroes after the arrival of Jessamir, captain of the Night's Kiss with her new security specialist Vasil, the two leaders of Jader presented them with a mission.

Giselle had previously sent Grey Warden Jaslyn to West Hill Bannorn in Ferelden to investigate a potentially dangerous addition to Bann Franderel's collection of relics. Their limited messages suggest that Jaslyn has run into trouble. Lady Seryl and Mother Giselle ask the adventurers to go to West Hill Bannorn to find out what happened.

Latest Mission Posts

» Dark Ship Opportunity's Strike

Mission: Bann Voyage
Posted on 20 Aug 2024 @ 4:21am by Mage Kalian Winter & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Warrior Katya Charbonnet (Shar-bon-ay) & Warrior Rahvin Vargar & Rogue Vasil & Mage Kithris Sabrae

Once all seven volunteers were aboard the Raven's Claw, they pushed off from the Night's Kiss. Clouds gathered overhead, dimming the sun's evening light. Jessamir shouted down at them, "Don't take any risks. I want to be well away from that ship before the sun sets."

Barirmegrett sat in the…

» The Joy of Sea Travel

Mission: Bann Voyage
Posted on 17 Jul 2024 @ 12:12am by Townsfolk The Scholar & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas & Mage Kithris Sabrae

Motion sickness was not an uncommon complaint among those new to sea travel, and Cook was prepared, although they'd been surprised when First Mate Rhiannon's lover had delivered the Chantry sister's request for hot water, to prepare an herbal brew of her own.

Now that the Night's Kiss was underway,…

» Warrior Peeps

Mission: Bann Voyage
Posted on 07 Jun 2024 @ 1:39am by Townsfolk The Scholar & Warrior Katya Charbonnet (Shar-bon-ay) & Warrior Rahvin Vargar

The Night's Kiss was underway, her crew working together like a well-oiled machine, or a synchronized dance, under the direction of Captain Jessamir.

Crew member Satrotha finished logging the last-minute cargo, and turned her attention to their passengers. Or as they would soon discover themselves to be – the Night's…

» Adrift in the Waking Sea

Mission: Bann Voyage
Posted on 23 May 2024 @ 10:19pm by Mage Kalian Winter & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Warrior Katya Charbonnet (Shar-bon-ay) & Warrior Rahvin Vargar & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas & Rogue Vasil & Mage Kithris Sabrae

The passengers and most members of the crew were gathered in the galley of The Night's Kiss, finishing the evening meal. Captain Jessamir made certain the ship was well supplied, and Cook set a generous table for every meal.

Kalian raised his tankard over his empty bowl in Cook's direction.…

» Thief of Security

Mission: Bann Voyage
Posted on 10 Apr 2024 @ 10:48pm by Mage Kalian Winter & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Rogue Vasil

Kalian was not exactly sure what Rhiannon's responsibilities were aboard ship whilst the Night's Kiss was underway, or what he was supposed to do besides stay out of the way. Besides, he knew that Rhiannon would find him if she had time to relax.

So when he saw Jessamir's new…