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10 Apr 2024 @ 10:48pm

Warrior Rhiannon Cadash

Name Rhiannon Emorette Dayntee Cadash

Position Warrior

Rank Warrior

Character Information

Gender Female
Race Dwarf
Pronouns She/Her
Age 24
Affiliation Mercenary
Class warrior
Secondary Class rogue

Physical Appearance

Height 4' 2"
Weight 117
Hair Color Long thick Silver/Grey/Black
Eye Color Crimson red
Physical Description Rhiannon Cadash stands 4' 2" tall and weighs in at 117 pounds. She has long thick silver/grey/black hair, tan skin, crimson red eyes. Rhi has an athletic build yet is quite curvy. She usually wears a red short vest trimmed with dark gold and grey fox fur. She has a silver necklace with four large blue fire opals and silver hooped earings. Under her vest she has on a black short sleeved half top. She also wears a pauldron on each shoulder. Brown leather gauntlets embellished with red and dark gold trim. A silver bracelet with several blue fire opals. Baggy dark blue and dark gold striped pants with a red sash trimmed with dark gold. Brown and dark gold colored leather boots. Brown leather belt and two pouches.


Spouse N/A
Children N/A
Father Unknown
Mother Jessamir Cadash
Brother(s) N/A
Sister(s) N/A
Other Family Cadash family Carta

Personality & Traits

General Overview Rhi is generally fun loving and has a strong love for life. She can be very loyal to those she considers friends and a royal pain to those she doesn't. Rhi likes to flirt with just about anyone. Which can and has gotten her in trouble. When it comes to business though, Rhi is all business. Sharp and savy , she will always stive to make the best deal, at least for herself. She has a soft spot for children though and will protect them if she feels that they are in harms way.
Strengths & Weaknesses Rhi loyalty to her friends and her determination are definitely part of her strengths. Also her keen senses, her agility and quickness help quite a bit.

Her like for children can be used against her. Being stubborn soes not help as well.
Ambitions Rhi would like to have her own ship some day
Hobbies & Interests Singing, dancing, drinking and playing the violin.

Personal History Rhiannon Cadash was born on 9:10 to fer mother Jessamir in the city of Jader. Well she was born on the ship Night's Kiss. This is where she grew up and spent the majority of her time till she turned 17. During that time she learned all she needed to know from the crew and captain of the Night's Kiss. From tieing a rope to swinging a sword. Dice, cards, dancing and singing were also things she picked up from the crew. It was her mother though that taught her how to play the violin.
When she turned 17 her mother, who was the Captains second, the Captain, Morland 'Iron Chest' Graeme and herself left the ship. It was the first time she had been allowed to be in on a deal for the Captain and his crew. This deal would also be good for the Cadash family. This is where she learned her skills in negotiating. For the next 6 years Rhi was taught everything that her mother knows and does as the second on the ship.
When Rhi turned 23, Captain Morland 'Iron Chest' Graeme retired and Rhi's mother Jessamir took over as Captain leaving her spot open for Rhi. Which she took. Some of the crew left and were replaced by others. For the past year Rhi and her mother Jessamir 'Silver Eye' Cadash, have made several voyages that had been very successful.
Training and Experience Sword
Sword and shield