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29 Mar 2022 @ 4:39pm

Rogue Cainan Sauvage

Name Cainan Valentine Sauvage

Position Rogue

Rank Rogue

Character Information

Gender Male
Race Human
Age 28
Affiliation Noble
Class rogue
Secondary Class none

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 175lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Cainan has clearly Orlesian features, brown hair and green-brown eyes. Tall and lithe, Cainan does not look like a burly two-handed axe-wielding warrior, but might be mistaken for a dancer. He has a small facial scar under his left eye from a duel with a pirate. His hair is long and tied at the back, and he prefers the look of neatly trimmed stubble.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Valentin Sauvage
Mother Toinette Sauvage nee Bonaire
Sister(s) Yvette Sauvage

Personality & Traits

General Overview Born to Orlesian minor nobility, Cainan has never known true hardship or suffering that he didn't inflict on himself. Raised to expect opulence and wealth, he frequently found himself getting into fights as a child, which turned to duels as he got older. Finding a passion for swordplay, and a father eager to keep him occupied and out of trouble, Cainan studied under several masters of sword, dagger and physical movement to become an accomplished duellist and acrobat. Outside of these studies, Cainan never really focussed and he has become a man of leasure living off his families estate, who maintain his expenses on the basis that he will eventually settle down. The Sauvage trading company is of little interest to Cainan, despite his father's efforts to pass on his legacy to his only son. Fortunately, Cainan's sister Yvette, despite also having her own wild streak and favor for the sword, took up the mantle and now studies under their father in order to take over the family business, leaving Cainan free to pursue his romantic ideals and liasons, while occasionally lending his sword to causes that briefly interest him, or when there is a woman involved, or when there is a chance to prove his skill.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Expert Swordsman
+ Acrobat and dancer
+ Unarmed combat
+ Charming
+ Quick reflexes
- Gambler
- Womaniser
- Hedonist
- Blasé
Ambitions To be recognised as the greatest swordsman in Orlais, but little else
Hobbies & Interests Duelling, Wicked Grace, Women, Wine, Decadance

Personal History Cainan trained from a young edge with a variety of weapons and went on to train in acrobatics and other physical movement techniques that would complement his fighting style. He had various tutors and masters throughout his formative years, paid for by his father who hoped the exhaustion would discourage the boy, but this was not the case. As a teenager, Cainan took to the streets, a pampered urchin; he gambled, he got into fights and he caused trouble, until his father would hire a new tutor to teach him their skills.

When Cainan's sister took up the study of the family business, Cainan was encouraged to find his fortune or make his way into the world, and he took the opportunity to make his own path, moving to Jader and taking up apartments that his mother insisted on paying for, supporting him financially. Since then, he has thrown parties, thrown challenges for duels and generally drank and womanised his time away.
Training and Experience Cainan specialises in fighting with a rapier, focusing on his movement to avoid attacks rather than heavy armour for protection. Cainan also fights with twin daggers, which he wears under his coat, one of which he will use with the rapier as a parry knife during intense fights. He is also fond of fighting with a double-bladed glaive, but it is not something he carries very often.

Cainan is adept at sneaking and has nimble fingers for cheating at cards, that have been turned to lockpicking on occasion.