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Same Old Streets, New Me

Posted on 25 Feb 2024 @ 5:44pm by Townsfolk The Scholar & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Rogue Vasil

1,867 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Bann Voyage
Location: Jader, Blue Steel blacksmith shop
Timeline: Bloomingtide 19, after 'A Warden for West Hill'

Vasil had been given money to buy himself some necessaries for this upcoming voyage, his first ever. What that would be like, he could only guess but however it turns out, he was committed to it. He bought some clothing the merchant told him would keep dry....mostly dry at least during storms. Actually he'd been soaked plenty of times in his young life, but orders were orders. Much more important, at least to him, was the captain's directions to equip himself with some better weaponry than the old dagger he still held.

He had ideas alright. First off, he decided he would buy a missile weapon. Not a regular bow though, that took a lot of practice and a powerful arm, he neither had the strength for it nor the time to learn. So instead he got himself a crossbow. All you had to do was load and pull a trigger while pointing it at the target. How hard could it be? Well, that and a dozen quarrels or bolts or whatever they called them. But if the enemy were up in your face you needed a blade. He decided he would get himself a sword, a short one not those huge two handed things (clumsy in his opinion).

So it was that he stopped in a swordsmith shop, another place he had never set foot within.

The door lintel bell rang out as Vasil opened the door, and a slim man with coiffed dark hair, tastefully understated gold jewelry, and exquisitely fashionable blue leather armor appeared in a doorway that must lead to a back room or the forge. He gave the potential customer a brief but thorough visual inspection, taking in the bundle of newly purchased clothing and crossbow. Apparently satisfied with the young man's potential to produce coin, he leaned toward the backroom without taking his eyes off Vasil and called out to whoever was back there, "Customer."

Vasil just nodded and started looking around. He was used to being given careful scrutiny by shop keepers but that was when he was in his rags. Now he looked proper enough. No matter, he wanted to see their blades for sale not make friends.

A practice dummy occupied the center of the mostly open space, clearly intended for patrons wishing to test the wares on offer. Along the two side walls various bladed weapons were on display, each in a metal case with a locked metal-grate lid.

Ahhh, there were the blades! He walked over there to get a closer look, he pretty much knew already what he wanted.

The man sauntered closer to Vasil but didn't offer his hand. He folded his arms across his chest and his fingertips brushed the hilt of the rapier at his side in a way that suggested habit rather than threat. "Welcome to Blue Steel, home of the best blacksmith in Jader, my brother Derek. My name is Hansel. How may we serve you today?"

"Hullo, I'm here to buy me a blade....a short sword that's good for stabbin'," Vasil answered.

The room directly behind the store was the main storage and finishing room for the swords and various other weapons and armor the brothers created and sold. The forge itself was out back. His brother had just left after discussing the custom order they just received from one of the guard. It was a rather simple order, still Derek would put everything he had in making it. He was already started to draw out the helm when he heard his brother call out that they had a customer. Grabbing a towel he wiped his hands as he made his way out front.

Stepping through the door, Derek was about 5' 7" wearing a sleeveless grey shirt, thick grey pants, and heavy boots. This was covered by a long dark leather apron with a thick leather belt. Which hung a small hammer, a set of tongs, and a pair of thick leather gloves. He had short dark hair and piercing blue eyes. As he stepped into the room he moved with a purpose. Derek spotted the young man, noticed that he was carrying a few things. "Brother, can you not see that the young man has his hands full."

Vasil shrugged, "Eh, nothing heavy. Just some clothes is all. Oh.......yeah, and a crossbow with bolts." Come to think of it, it was quite an armful.

Derek made his way over and motioned for Vasil to put his stuff down on the small table off to one side. "Here, put your things down. What can we do for you? A sword or perhaps breastplate." He walked around Vasil, looking at him, sizing him up. "No, something light, maneuverable. Easy to use." This last part spoken more for himself than for Vasil.

Once his goods were on the table, he turned to the second man, the blacksmith no doubt and nodded.

"Yeah, I be lookin' for a sword or long dagger. Gotta be light and be good for stabbin'."

As for the second part, "I don't want no armor, only slows a body down." For what Vasil did for a living, speed and agility were key.

Well. The young man knew what he wanted, he said stabbing twice. Hansel rested one hand on his hip. "I'm certain we can provide you with a weapon to suit your preferences. When do you need it to be finished?"

"Ummm, like I leave on a voyage on the morrow. Don't you have any simple ones that stab that you can sell right off?" Vasil frowned.

Derek looked Vasil over, walked around the young man. Pulled out a long string with knots tied along it at measured increments. "Yes, yes. Stand still." He comes up and started to measure Vasil's arm length, across his shoulders. "Make a stance please." If Vasil does Derek will measure the distance between his feet. All the while muttering to himself. "Yes, 4 knots here, 8 and a half here. 24 across." Once he was done he stepped back, looked to Hansel. "I have just finished the gladius. I think it would be perfect for him." This said with a matter of fact tone.

Hansel hid his mild surprise that Derek was ready to sell that gladius sword so soon after completing it. "An elegant and practical blade, to be sure." He regarded Vasil critically. The young man showed no hint of formal sword training, and yet he moved with a lithe grace that spoke of great potential.

Vasil did as requested of course, all this posing stuff seemed a bit of nonsense but then admittedly he was not the expert, this swordmaker should be. Then the two men spoke to each other. Vasil simply waited. He did not know what the word 'gladius' meant but sure hoped it was yet another word for blade, and one that stabbed.

"Yes, brother. I agree the gladius would suit," said Hansel, looking to Derek expectantly "Perhaps Mr. Vasil would like to try it out on our practice dummy?"

"Wish I could, but I do not have a lot of time. I need be someplace very important," Vasil shrugged.

Derek looked to his brother and gave a nod. "I will be right back." Derek headed back to the finishing room. A moment later he came back out cloth in hand holding a rather simple looking short sword. The leaf style double-edged blade looked to be 18 to be inches in length. It had a pointed tip, for thrusting, along with both edges being sharpened for slashing. The hilt had a distinctive guard and a knobbed pommel. For a total length of 24 inches. It looked like a blade for close quarter combat as well as stealthy needs. The blade itself looked like a darker metal, the hilt did as well. Derek finished wiping the blade down and handed it to Vasil. "I think you will like this."

His dagger did not have sharpened edges, just a deadly point. This weapon had both. Of course that also meant one had to be more careful handling it lest one cut oneself by accident. He took the weapon.

"It is a good one alright. You do fine work. Of course now the question I would ask is how much? I am not a rich man as I'm sure you already guessed by the look of me," Vasil inquired.

Hansel shook his head. "We cannot possibly discuss the price of this blade until you've tried it out - tested the balance and the weight. That's what the practice dummy is there for! Take a couple of swings." He gestured impatiently to the dummy. "I've no doubt the sword is within your means."

"Glad you have no doubts, until I hear the price I cannot be so sure," Vasil smiled but then walked over to the appropriate practice dummy.

This sort of thing never made much sense to him, any clumsy idiot could slash or poke a bag of whatever, nothing like fighting a real person. But to please the fellow, he slashed once, twice. Of course it felt fine, the grip was good, and the blade cut. Then he stabbed with it. Of course again it did what it was designed to do, it penetrated the immobile dummy. There, demonstration time over.......

Vasil turned to the others, "It works. I will take it. Now....what about that price, good sir?" He grinned.

In their sibling business partnership, Hansel usually handled the coin. But at times his brother simply decided a particular blade was meant to be wielded by a certain individual. He could tell this was one of those times. Hansel sighed, and quoted the minimal price that would cover their expenses. "Three royals. Includes a scabbard."

Vasil raised one eyebrow, that was actually an unexpectedly low price. He was almost suspicious now of the quality of the weapon but then he was no expert on these sorts of things. In his career though he was always suspicious.

"Well, you drive a hard bargain you do but I am in a hurry and do not wish to haggle. Three royals it is," Vasil then fished into his leather pouch and took out the requisite coins, all provided by his new employer. Plus, he got a scabbard out of the deal. Nice!

Derek watched Vasil as he took a few swings and pokes at the practice dummy. Though the young man didn't push himself, Derek noticed that Vasil had a natural grace about himself. He had been about to let the young man how much it would when his brother spoke up. As different as he and his brother were, they knew each other better than anyone else. He gave a nod to Hansel when his brother gave Vasil the price, And threw in the scabbard as well. When Vasil agreed and fished it out of the coin pouch, Derek gave a nod. "Now, young man. Take good care of her and she will take good care of you."

Vasil grinned, "It's a girl now is it? Well, I've always had good luck with the girls. Thank you. But I really must depart."



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