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The Joy of Sea Travel

Posted on 17 Jul 2024 @ 12:12am by Townsfolk The Scholar & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas & Mage Kithris Sabrae

1,277 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Bann Voyage
Location: The Night's Kiss, Leaving Jader
Timeline: Bloomingtide 20th

Motion sickness was not an uncommon complaint among those new to sea travel, and Cook was prepared, although they'd been surprised when First Mate Rhiannon's lover had delivered the Chantry sister's request for hot water, to prepare an herbal brew of her own.

Now that the Night's Kiss was underway, and the galley secured, Cook ventured above deck and found the two seasick passengers in the stern of the ship, where the crew had no doubt insisted they relocate so as to be downwind from everyone else. Cook carried two iron tea pots by the handles, one in each hand.

"My sympathies to you both," they said, addressing the Sister and the Dalish elf as they set the tea pots on the deck between the two women. "I'm told that seasickness is worse than a dwarven ale hangover. You can call me Cook. This teapot contains more hot water, just boiled, and this one is an herbal brew I made, the recipe passed on to me by the ship's Cook I apprenticed with – longer ago than I'd care to recall." From a pocket of their apron Cook produced two cups and set them next to the teapots. "Tis fortunate you have each other, and can share the hardship of this temporary illness together."

Elinowy cradled the mug of tea Kalian had brought her, albeit, mostly consumed at this point. She was relieved to see the fresh teapots Cook had brought. "The Maker's blessing on you Cook." The sister softly stated, taking the pot he had designated as holding hot water. "Your herbal recipe is a soothing balm amidst this unpleasantness. I think I may have a few ingredients to increase its potency."

Elinowy unsteadily stood upright for a moment, and loosened one of the fabric belts encircling her narrow waist. She then knelt down to the deck and unfurled a string of small sachets folded into the belt. She looked the line of pouches over with a familiar eye, stopping at the occasional one to open it and pour some of the contents into the pot of water. She bent over the teapot determining from aroma if what she was blending smelled right. When satisfied, she let the tea brew. She looked back up at Cook. "Thank you for your kindness."

As the tea brewed the unease of her stomach returned. This journey by sea was decidedly unpleasant. Her eye suddenly looked over at the creature she had been segregated with to the back of the ship. The elf, seemed as equally miserable as she. it was a creature of the Maker, albeit fallen, but still a stroke of compassion came across her as she surveyed the wretch's suffering. Elinowy took the piece of gingerroot she had been sucking on, and broke off the part she had put in her mouth and extended the other piece to the elf, her hand shaking slightly in the process. "Perhaps this might help while the tea brews." she said, hoping the creature would reject the offer and scurry away somewhere else.

Kithris had sat with her back against the rails on the stern. Eyes closed her stomach doing flip flops. When the Cook made their over and introduced themselves, Kit barely opened her eyes and mumbled a thank you. It was then that she noticed the woman who sat near her. The red haired sister.

When the red haired sister offered her the ginger root while the tea brewed, Kit reached out to take the piece. Kit brought it to her nose and took in the smell then, like the sister, she started to chew on it. Ginger root in mouth her stomach started to calm slightly. Kit gave a weak smile, "Thank va nesh Tel' ginger root. Sal appreciate it." (Thank you for the ginger root. I appreciate it."

The rolling of the ship (while very slight in reality) made it hard for Elinowy to follow the Elf's broken speech. She did appreciate that the creature, a female it appeared, was trying to communicate in a civilized tongue. The chantry sister tried to steady her head and stomach amidst the tossing torrent of the seas. She gave a slight nod to the small blonde elf girl. She recalled traveling in the wagon with the girl in their last adventure, but had never to spoken to it. She did her best to give the elf a kind smile. "Do you have a cup? I think the tea is ready if you would like to try some."

Kit sucked on the root, her stomach had not settled completely but it was better. At least till the ship took a heavy roll. (a small 3 degree roll) Her stomach flipped and she felt it wanting to escape. With a hard swallow Kit closed her eyes and let out the breath she had been holding with a pretty nasty burp. She heard the sister say that the tea was ready and if she had a cup. Kit gave a nod and fished her cup out of her pack. Kit took the kettle and poured the tea into her cup. Without a thought she looked to the sister. "Nesh va Nys." (For you sister.) As she offered the cup to Elinowy.

Elinowy lifted up the mag Kalian had given her earlier. "Blessing on you for offering, but that is for you." she said as graciously as she could while the ship began to spin around her. She held the mug forward for the elf girl to fill. "If you don't mind." She could feel herself craving the tea that she hoped would mitigate her suffering, but she felt a growing fever boiling up in her.

Kit gave a nod. It took a few moments for her stomach to settle enough for Kit to take a sip. As the tea slid down her throat and hit her stomach she could feel it start to settle it. Kit took a tentative breath and felt a bit better. She looked to Elinowy and gave a smile. Her voice a little shaky, "This helps." Shifts a little trying to get a little more comfortable. "We haven't really been formally introduced. I am Kithris Sabrae of Clan Sabrae."

A weak smile came to Elinowy's lips. The Elf wanted to chat. She took a deep breath hoping to calm the roiling tumult that was her stomach at the moment. "I am sister Elinowy Ursulas or the Bette Noir Chantry." she made out as she felt an odd moistness to her throat. "I fear that you are getting me..." She cut herself off as she felt the sensation of her tongue rising to the roof of her mouth and a sudden rush of heat washed over her. Here eyes bulged with a sudden redness as she reached out grasping at empty air, hoping to find the rail of the ship. She struggled to push herself up to her feet but found herself listing to the side. And just like that an explosion of bile and stomach fluids erupted from her mouth showering down onto her elfin companion.

Kit had been listening as Elinowy was introducing herself properly, when the Sister shifted, tried to get up and reach the railing, then let loose with another round. With out a second thought, this brought out a round of bile, stomach fluids, and what tea she had already consumed. Though the sister had been luckier than Kit had been, since it landed on the deck. Kit shifted and moved away from Elinowy. With throw up on her, Kit did the only thing that made sense to her and started to take her clothes off.



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