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Warrior Peeps

Posted on 07 Jun 2024 @ 1:39am by Townsfolk The Scholar & Warrior Katya Charbonnet (Shar-bon-ay) & Warrior Rahvin Vargar

594 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Bann Voyage
Location: The Night's Kiss, Leaving Jader
Timeline: Bloomingtide 20th

The Night's Kiss was underway, her crew working together like a well-oiled machine, or a synchronized dance, under the direction of Captain Jessamir.

Crew member Satrotha finished logging the last-minute cargo, and turned her attention to their passengers. Or as they would soon discover themselves to be – the Night's Kiss temporary crew members. Her attention was drawn to the tall, blonde, human woman. Warrior, Satrotha guessed, from the way she held herself, and her armor. The dwarf approached the warrior woman.

"Serah," she said to the warrior woman. "You cannot wear your armor aboard ship. If you fell overboard, you'd sink before we could get to you." The dwarf tipped back her head to meet Katya's gaze. "We may have an armor stand on board, or a spare trunk."

"Ahh, I should know better. Where is my head?" although Katya knew exactly where her head was. Same place as her heart! "I'll go put it up immediately. Thank you! If you have an armor stand that would be wonderful."

"Aye, I'll see what I can find, and be right back," said Satrotha, and headed below deck. In truth, an armor stand was not an unusual request when the Night's Kiss took on passengers of the warrior persuasion.

Katya waited for the crewman to come back. The ship had a good crew that was for sure. When she came back with the armor rack, she thanked her, put it in her cabin, and took off the armor. After that she went back up to see what she could help with.

Rahvin had left his armor below, the only thing he kept with him was his sword. As the ship was underway now, Rahvin had helped with the sails along with a few odds and ends before he was relieved. He had volunteered to stand watch later during the day so he had a bit of time before then.

As he walked to the port side of the ship he seen the tall blonde warrior coming back up from below. He gave her a warriors nod. "Good fortune."

"Aye! Good fortune to you as well. Rhavin, correct?" Katya said.

He gave a nod. "Aye, Rahvin it is. How fair you and your companion?"

"Well I am well, Kit however is rather seasick. She is being tended to though and should be better. I am used to sea travel although when I first started, I was as bad as Kit. Not a pleasant feeling!"

Rahvin gave a nod. "I am sure she will." He looked over the water. "I have spent my share of time on ships. It does take time to get used to the motion." He turned to look at Katya and smiled. "I want to thank you for coming along."

"You are welcome. I enjoy a good adventure. I enjoy sailing on a good ship. Kit however, well her first voyage and all. She will survive though."

Rahvin gave Katya a nod. "I am sure she will be fine soon enough." Rahvin moved so that he puts his hands on the railing and looked out over the water. "Adventure is usually in the Grey Wardens vocabulary."

"So I have heard. Haven't encountered many grey wardens but I know I like a good adventure." Katya said "And with Kit by my side, I feel I can take on anything."

Rahvin gave Katya a smile. "It is good to have someone by your side. Especially when you know that you can count on them." He looked from Katya to out to the sea.



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