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Adrift in the Waking Sea

Posted on 23 May 2024 @ 10:19pm by Mage Kalian Winter & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Warrior Katya Charbonnet (Shar-bon-ay) & Warrior Rahvin Vargar & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas & Rogue Vasil & Mage Kithris Sabrae

1,638 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Bann Voyage
Location: The Night's Kiss, enroute from Jader to West Hill
Timeline: Bloomingtide 21st, evening

The passengers and most members of the crew were gathered in the galley of The Night's Kiss, finishing the evening meal. Captain Jessamir made certain the ship was well supplied, and Cook set a generous table for every meal.

Kalian raised his tankard over his empty bowl in Cook's direction. "Another delicious meal. Thank you." The lamb stew was spicy compared to what he was accustomed to, but delicious. He drained the last of his beer and leaned over to kiss Rhiannon's cheek. "I believe I'm on kitchen cleanup duty."

Rhi gave Kalian a smile and a nod. "Kitchen cleanup, then I need get some rest, you will be on the quarterdeck with me on last watch."

"I must agree! The meal was delicious. I liked the spiciness of it. How about you Kit darling? did you enjoy it?" Katya said.

Kit had been able to stomach the bland bread that cook had been offering to her and Elinowy. This was the first meal that she had ate a bit of the lamb stew. It was good, still she had not wanted to risk it. So when Katya asked if she had enjoyed it, she smiled.

Vasil was skinny to look at, sure, but he actually had a very good appetite, and had thoroughly enjoyed his bowl of stew. As for the spiciness, that was fine with him. Gave the meal a kick and besides there was beer to wash it down. He had always thought ship diet was bread and water. Guess not!
Some had suffered from sea sickness so they might feel differently, he did not have that issue.

Elinowy had positioned herself away from her companions, especially Kithris, after the unfortunate incident on the deck. She felt a very odd need to make things right with the elf or at least help her is some way. It was a strange feeling. While she still held a common sense of revulsion to the Dalish, she really wanted to make this small blonde warrior like her, or at least forgive her. The shame was nearly overwhelming to the sister. She had a hard time even looking at Kithris without mouthing sorry at her. Interestingly, the explosive climax of her illness had done a great deal to relieve her symptoms. She slowly munched on a piece of crispy bread. There was a plethora of meat products on the table, but only limited vegetable dishes. She was patient. The Maker or possibly the cook would provide. She didn't share her companion's pleasure for Beer, and what water there was on board was not the cleanest, but tea was a good solution.

Jessamir sat at the head of the table and watched her crew and the passengers. It made her smile seeing everyone getting along.


A crewmember rushed down the ladder, calling out, "Captain! Barirmegrett has spotted a ship! Appears to be drifting."

Jessamir gave Barirmegrett a nod. "Understood. On our way."

Vasil looked up from his meal, curiosity sparked by that announcement. As the crew got up to go take a look, he of course joined them. As nosey as the next fellow.

Kalian recalled Barirmegrett, Jessamir often assigned her to the crows nest. Curious as he was, he stood aside and allowed the crew to scurry up to the deck ahead of him.

Rhi looked to her mother then headed up the ladder. "Barirmegrett, with me."

Katya's curiosity was peaked. A ship adrift? Perhaps there were survivors.

Kit looked to Katya and gave a nod. "Let's go see." There was a bit of that musical tone coming back in her voice.


Up on deck, the other ship could be seen clearly, but was still too far away to discern details without a spyglass. But even at this distance, the sails hung tattered and slack, and the ship had an obvious list to the port side.

Vasil had the fine vision of youth on his side and studied the vessel. The sails were in bad shape, that was evident. And more ominous yet, the ship was listing. That could not be good. No sighting of anyone on deck or in the rigging.

He voiced his opinion, "That ship looks abandoned. Might even slowly be sinking?"

"Interesting. I wonder what happened to her?" Katya said. "Captain do you want to investigate?"

Kit stood with Katya, "I will go with you, if you go."

Jessamir gave Katya a crisp nod, though her crew was already adjusting the ship's heading. "It's the unwritten law of the sea. Requires a mariner to offer help to another mariner in distress. However, we will approach with caution."

Kalian arrived on deck and took in the sight of the derelict ship. "I haven't heard of any recent storms at sea." Living in Jader, a port town, a storm in the Waking Sea would have been common knowledge. "What might have happened to the ship, or the crew?"

Elinowy carefully made her way up to the deck to survey the scene. If there were people in need of assistance, she was ready to provide what care she was able.

"We can only hope the crew is ok, but somehow I have my doubts!" Katya said. "We'd best be prepared for trouble!"

Vasil thought it over for an instant then turned to the captain, "Only way to find out is go on board it and check. I'd go."

Rhi watched as the Night's Kiss started to move towards the drifting ship. Without looking at Kalian, "There could be any number of reasons. From breaking loose from their moorings to the crew going mad and jumping ship." When Vasil comments that he was willing to go over, Rhi glanced at Vasil, "Good. Any other volunteers?"

Rahvin had come up and had made his way to the side of the ship. When Rhiannon asked for volunteers, he spoke up. "I will go." His tone was soft though held a bit of curiosity.

"I'll go as well." Kalian closed his eyes and opened his awareness to the fade. The veil was often thin in a place where many people had died. He felt nothing, and quickly realized that even if this derelict ship's crew had all died in some awful way, the ship probably drifted away from the location. Kalian shaded his eyes with one hand, scanning the other ship's deck. "I don't see any bodies on the deck, but there are places where the wood is darkened. Might be scorch marks."

"Scorch marks?" that tidbit of news puzzled Vasil. Well, now he was all the more curious.

"So, how do we get over there?" Kalian addressed his question to the captain. "Do we pull up alongside the other ship and tie up to her? Or do we row over in one of those small boats?"

"I'd say we row over," Vasil wasn't shy about giving his opinion.

For the benefit of her passengers, Jessamir patiently explained, "The other ship's tenders are missing, so chances are the crew abandoned ship. If there's salvage to be had it will be easier to transfer if we lay alongside. If we must disengage quickly, it will take much less time to get the volunteers back and cast off than to wait for them to row back in the tender. However, if there is something dangerous on board the other ship, it'll be safer for the rest of the crew if we keep a safe distance."

"Makes sense. Hopefully there is nothing dangerous but if there is, we will be ready!" Katya said.

Rhi moved over to where the captain’s gig was just lowered into the water. "Barirmegrett, you're coming with us." She grabbed the rope ladder, set it and threw it over. "Don't forget the grapple ladder and your lucky monkey fist Barirmegrett." Rhi looked to the others. "Those that are coming, the Raven's Claw awaits below." She looks to Kalian, "You are sitting next to me."

"Well, let's get it over with then," Vasil clambered down to take seat next to one of the oars. He was no expert with rowing hard could it be?

Kalian thought the tender looked like a big rowboat, with three pairs of oars and bench seats. He waited for Vasil to climb down the rope ladder, then followed. The tricky part was regaining his balance when his feet reached the boat. He moved out of the way of the next volunteer, grinning at Rhiannon's directive to sit next to her. How had he gotten so lucky as to be chosen by a woman like her? "Gladly, my Lady." He took the seat next to Rhiannon.

Rahvin checked his gear and moved to the side of the ship, and readied to climb down.

Kithris looked to Katya, then to the side of the ship. There was a bit of uncertainty in her eyes as she took a deep breath.

Katya went over to Kit's side. "I'll be by your side my love. Stick with me. I'll protect you darling!"

Vasil sat then grabbed an oar, "You all know we gotta time our rowing? Pull together, otherwise we won't get anywhere. I'm set!"

He put the oar into the water and waited.

Kalian took in the company of volunteers – Rhiannon, Katya, Kithris, Rahvin, Vasil, and Barirmegrett. Elinowy hesitated at the Night's Kiss railing. Looking down at them in the gently swaying tender, the Chantry sister's usually creamy complexion had taken on a distinctly green shade. "Don't worry, Elinowy. We'll be back in no time," Kalian reassured his friend as they began to row toward the derelict ship. After all, what could go wrong?


OOC: image of the route from Jader to West Hill Bannorn


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