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The Wayward Sister

Posted on 30 Jun 2021 @ 3:56am by Townsfolk The Scholar & Warrior Martin Josceran & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas

1,747 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: Summerday La Fête
Location: Jader Chantry
Timeline: Cloudreach 18th – late afternoon

OOC: After 'New Friends and Allies' (after Martin and Elinowy leave the Raven's Roost)

Isouda paced across the chantry vestibule. She'd received the message Guard Captain Landry sent. That troublesome Chantry sister should be here by now. What was keeping her? Luckily Giselle was engaged in other matters, and Isouda could take care of this upstart herself. The days before the week-long Summerday festival were always busy with cleaning and preparations. It was such a nuisance inviting the unwashed masses to daily services. But Giselle insisted on making Chantry teachings accessible to all, even worthless elves.

And now, thanks to the intervention of this new sister and her friends, there would be more Fereldan refugees tracking dirt and stink into the freshly cleaned halls of her chantry. Isouda had heard reports of the red-haired sister's inspirational singing outside the refugee workhouse. Rumors were already beginning to spread about the mine. This was all she needed, an upstart sister charming the revered mother with charitable ideals and faith to worm her way into Isouda's own position.

Elinowy looked upon the columns and walls of the Jader Chantry. It felt odd, she had been living in the streets throughout the country for many weeks, the grand halls of the Chantry were comforting, yet strangely foreign. Her time and her devotion had been her own concern, to be back in the presence of her sisters felt a bit constricting. It amused Elinowy that the humble trappings of the poor now seemed more like home than these hollowed grounds. Her habit was well cared for and clean, although it was growing faded from the exposure to the sun each day. Still there was a regality about the worn garment, humble yet displaying a depth of spirituality for those inclined to notice. Approaching the grand vestibule door, she pulled back her scarlet hood, revealing the elegantly simple dwarven coronet that Rhiannon had braided her hair into at the Inn. She waited on Martin to pull open the great door.

Finally, the chantry doors opened to a beautiful tall woman with red hair wearing an unusual chantry robes, escorted by a city guardsman, one of Landry's men. Isouda schooled her expression into the kind and nurturing countenance of the reverend mother's second in command. "Good day to you. I am elder Isouda Geffroy. And you are?"

Martin winced inwardly when he saw who was greeting them. Elder Isouda hid a viper's heart behind a virtuous demeanour. He'd had dealings with her twice before, and neither of these occurrences had been particularly pleasant. He wasn't sure if he was supposed to linger now that Sister Elinowy was safely within Chantry walls, but he wasn't callous enough to abandon her to the Elder without so much as a warning.

"Elder Isouda, greetings. I am guardsman Josceran, escorting Sister Elinowy as per the Commander's orders. I was told the Revered Mother was expecting her." He saluted the Elder respectfully. Hopefully he could sneak in a word of warning to Elinowy before he had to take his leave.

"Ah, yes. Guardsman Josceran. Captain Landry mentioned you in her message. How kind of you to volunteer your next day off to help muck out the privies in the chantry dormitory." Isouda smiled benevolently at Martin. In moments like these, she did so enjoy her vocation.

Ah. Clearly the Commander wouldn't forgive him for a while. Martin stretched his lips in a wide grin. "Why, yes, I love mucking out privies," he said cheerfully. "Especially with a small brush. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity, Elder." Given a choice he'd rather go down laughing.

Isouda then settled her attention on the supposed sister. "I'm afraid that Revered Mother Giselle has important matters to attend. The Summerday festival begins in only seven days, as I'm sure you know. You have arrived at an opportune time, Elinowy. We will need the help of all who are called to do the Maker's work, to cleanse and prepare the places of worship, and to administer blessings. Lodging in Jader is hard to come by during the festival. But there is a room for the affirmed available, though it is quite simple."

Elinowy bowed her head toward the Elder. "May your voice bring light to all the world." she said in ceremonial greeting. "I thank you for your charity. The Maker brings me where he wills and I am sworn to not rely upon my sisters and the abundance of the Chantry as I discern his path for me. It would be my joy to administer blessings to the poor throughout the festival."

"How very interesting, Sister Elinowy." Isouda kept her eyeroll internal. Another one of those people who actually believed the Maker took a personal interest in their lives. "Perhaps you could tell me all about your, uh, path another time. I'll show you to your room for now, and you will be added to the chantry's daily duty roster for the duration of your stay." Best to put this one to work as soon as possible. Though, Isouda considered, perhaps she could make use of a Sister who was both a stranger to Jader, and excessively devout.

Elinowy smiled kindly at the Elder. "The Maker bless you sister but I have promised Grand Cleric Callista that I may not take shelter within the Chantry walls until my sojourn is complete. I will gladly help with the festivities in Andraste's name. And I hope my presence might be a blessing upon all our consecrated community here in Jadar, as I am a stranger. I did meet your Reverent Mother Giselle at a conclave in Val Royeaux a few years back. I would most like to speak with her when she is available.

"Bless you, Guardsman Josceran. Please convey my thanks to Captain Landry," said Isouda, dismissing the man with barely a glance.

Well, that was a dismissal if he'd ever heard one. Martin glanced uncertainly at Sister Elinowy, reluctant to leave her alone but unable to come up with a good reason to stay. He also did not want to give the Elder any reason to think Elinowy was anything less than respectable.

"Elder," he gave her a respectful nod. "Sister Elinowy. If you ever need further assistance from the Guard, please do not hesitate to call upon us."

Elinowy put her hand on Martin's sleeve. "Thank you dear Martin, may the Maker bless you and your kinfolk. I will be fine on my own."

Isouda recovered from her momentary surprise. This Sister Elinowy was both acquainted with Giselle, and had dealings with Grand Cleric Callista? Is that why she arrogantly asserted that her mere presence in Jader was a blessing? She might be crazy or a liar. But if she was telling the truth about her connections, she was a danger to Isouda's position. Or, she considered deviously, this sister could be useful for furthering Isouda's own ambitious plans.

"I regret the other sisters will not benefit from your inspirational company in the chantry's admittedly humble dormitory," said Isouda. " Perhaps you would care to join me for tea after chantry services on Sunday?"

Elinowy smiled genuinely back at the Elder. "It would be a blessing to me to take Tea with you this Sunday. Thank you." she said with all modesty and respect.

Isouda gave the sister a practiced benevolent smile. "I will convey your request for an audience to the Revered Mother. It was a pleasure to meet you, Sister Elinowy. I do look forward to your assistance in ministering to our flock in Jader." She bowed to the strange sister and her lingering guardsman escort, a polite dismissal.

"May the Maker bless your voice to all his flock." Elinowy said in a traditional parting.

As the Elder withdrew, ELinowy turned back to Martin. "So where do your duties take you now good guardsman?"

Martin hesitated. He had honestly assumed Elinowy would be staying at the Chantry, and her refusal to do so left him perplexed. The streets of Jader were more or less safe, but rather less than more at night, especially in the poorer districts. A lone woman, especially one carrying no weapons and cutting so striking a figure as Elinowy, may not be safe.

"I was going to head home, get some sleep. I'm dead on my feet. You must be too, after the night we've had. Do you..." he wondered how to phrase that delicately. " you have anywhere to go ? If not I'm sure I can convince my landlord to let you stay in my room for a couple of days."

I fear I have no place to lay my head, but it is not right for me to impose myself upon your hospitality. I am certain the Maker will provide an adequate place for me to rest. I have grown accustom to sleeping on the ground the last few months, and anywhere will be more comfortable than that mine." she said smiling kindly.

Typical Elinowy. Martin was not quite sure what to make of this. She would refuse the shelter of the Chantry, and turn down Martin's offer, and... what ? Sleep in the street ? Martin was not keen to find a report tomorrow about a Chantry sister who'd gotten mugged, or worse. Especially after the ordeal they'd just been through together.

"Sister, allow me to insist." He looked at her, his usual smile gone and his expression serious. "The Maker helps those who help themselves. Allow me to be His hand and to offer you a suitable place at my home. My landlord will not object. If you won't accept free lodgings, you might consider tutoring my landlord's children - he'll be more than happy for such a deal."

The Chantry sister thought for a moment. She was not supposed to take the simple paths, the Master always required faith and dedication, but her needs were being provided right in front of her by a devout man that she could trust. Her eyes closed for a moment as she said a short word of praise to the Maker. "Considering the Festival is upon us, it would be wrong of me to take the place a weary pilgrim would need for a bed. I accept your offer of hospitality. I insist on teaching your landlords children. The Maker would not want me not doing my part. Thank you Martin. I am truly grateful."



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