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The enigma of the inebriant

Posted on 30 Jul 2022 @ 3:25am by Warrior Katya Charbonnet (Shar-bon-ay) & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas & Townsfolk Dominic Lesprin
Edited on on 30 Jul 2022 @ 3:25am

2,029 words; about a 10 minute read

Mission: Summerday La FĂȘte
Location: Jader Market
Timeline: Cloudreach 25th evening

This day had brought in amazing business and Dominic was in an absurdly good mood. He'd sold many of his wares, in fact he was regretting not making more perfumes. He was already out of stock on several scents. He hummed happily to himself while he mentally made a list of the ingredients he was going to need to brew more. Jader was the right place to restock on more exotic ingredients, being a port city. He could even perhaps brew some new combinations. While sticking to known recipes felt like a visit to a dear old friend, there was nothing more exhilarating than creating new brews, especially cordials or stimulants.

The approach of new customers made Dominic look up and he squinted at them through his glasses. One of the two he recognized immediately ; her long, flaming red hair was hard to forget, especially given the attire - or lack thereof - she had been in when they had met. This time she was more modestly dressed. Her friend he did not know, or at least he didn't recognize her, but then he had no memory for faces.

"Yes ? Can I help ?" He tried to look at least a little welcoming. While he was not much of a people person, he did make an effort to not send his customers running.

"I am Katya Charbonet! This is my companion Elinowy. We are here to inquire about a couple bottles of wine. Two particular bottles to be precise!" Katya said.

The scarlet clad sister stepped in from the side between the two. "We have seen each other before." Her icy blue eyes gave him a stern look that while emotionless, was quite menacing coming from a Chantry sister. "You were recommended as a man who know may know the nature of exotic botanicals. It is our hope you might identify the composition of substances that may be in these bottles."

Dominic's squint tightened. The first woman sounded entirely too chipper, and the second woman's coldness stood out in stark contrast. He turned his gaze to the bottles of wine. The nature of the query presented to him was not entirely clear, beyond the fact that they were offering him a drink. He wished his orlesian was better. He'd never stayed long enough to really work on it. Whilst his phenomenal memory helped, his utter lack of interest in other people's conversation didn't.

"I have glass," he offered, and he rummaged in the appropriate box to fish out a couple of slightly banged up and tarnished tin goblets. He certainly wouldn't refuse a free drink.

As Elinowy watched the potion master her thoughts moved from the embarrassment of knowing this man had seen her naked to focusing on the current situation as the man started indicating he wanted a drink. She quickly slapped her hand down his arm as he drew forth the goblets. She had to pick her words carefully. "No.... drink... bad..." she said starting to pantomine choking on a drink. "two... men... die... drink .. bottle..." she continued feining fainting and pointing to the wine bottles Katya carried. "You tell why?" she asked slowly.

"Perhaps I can help. Two of these bottles were poisoned and we are trying to track down the poisoners! We are trying to find out where these bottles came from and who you sold them to." Katya said. She spoke the same language he did so that should help with the communication issue.

"Huh... what ?" Dominic uttered, nonplussed and vaguely worried.

He wasn't quite sure how he'd gone from being offered a drink to being accused of killing someone. He hadn't caught everything the woman said - his antivan was only marginally better than his orlesian - but he'd gotten the distinct impression that the redhead had mentioned someone dying. He blinked at the bottle and tried to remember when was the last time he'd sold poison. Back in Lydes, there was that man who'd said something about a vermin infestation... He looked at the two women and really hoped he wasn't going to get run out of town this time.

"I, huh, not kill... no person," he finally managed. He spoke slowly and with some effort, raking his brain to find the words he needed. Maybe learning to speak foreign languages better would be a worthwhile endeavor after all.

This was not going the way Katya had imagined. She hadn't anticipated the language barrier. Katya nodded. "Yes, we know. Who bought them? is this a bottle you sold?" She wasn't sure what else to do. Maybe they needed to get someone who could translate for them. "Elinowy, do you know anyone who could translate for us? I don't think we are getting very far without one."

Elinowy shook her scarlet head. "I've met this one before, he speaks a most peculiar tongue. and seems to understand little of the dominant languages of the realm." she turned back to Dominic, speaking slowly as if to a child. "Wine make man sick... die. *cough cough* need you... find poison... in bottle." she said strongly indicating the bottle Katya held. "Understand?"

Dominic sighed heavily. Selling perfumes and potions here in Jader during this festival was supposed to be simple. Just tell his customers the price and take their coin. When the festival was over perhaps he'd have the time and funds to hire a tutor to help him with his Orlesian.

But after what happened in Lydes, he did know the word poison along with the word antidote. Dominic adjusted his glasses and regarded the bottle and the two women distastefully. "You want, huh... more poison? Same as, huh... on wine?" He shook his head emphatically. "No. I no make poison."

Katya shook her head. "No we want to know where the bottle came from. We are not asking you to make more poison." she looked over at Elinowy. Granted, Elinowy was very beautiful but right now, Katya was feeling the frustration of not communicating with this guy.

She prayed the Maker would open the man's ears to understand they were trying to keep something bad from happening to others, not inflict pain on others. She hoped her Chantry habit would be enough to convey the innocence and sincerity of their inquiry. Elinowy gave the potion master a kind smile filled with righteous benevolence. She again spoke as slowly as possible with large hand gestures. "We... not hurt anyone.... want to know... what poison... in bottle. Make antidote please."

Dominic frowned at the fair-haired warrior, who repeated the word poison, and seemed to be asking where she could buy more if not from him. But then the red-haired woman wearing atypical chantry robes mentioned antidote.

"Antidote?" he repeated. Dominic's eyebrows knit together, thinking over the conversation. Finally, it dawned on him. The wine was poisoned, someone had died from drinking it, and these two wanted an antidote. Which probably meant more poisoned wine was in circulation. He swore under his breath in his native language, he had so many questions he could not ask!

"I make antidote. Yes." Of course, it would be easy if the two women knew what the poison was, but it seemed they did not, and figuring it out was the complicated part. He made several calculations in his head. He had the reagents, equipment, and compounds that were needed. It was an interesting challenge, but one he felt confident he was up to. To give the project the attention it needed, he would have to hire someone to help mind his stall. "Cost ten crowns, three now, seven on delivery. Antidote ready, huh, not tomorrow. Morning after." He reached out his hand to take the bottle.

Katya handed him the bottle. She was relieved he finally got the message. She looked at Elinowy with a look of relief on her face.

Elinowy gave Katya a kindly smile, before allowing her practiced tranquil face to relax a little. She nodded to the potion master as he took the wine bottle. "You.... save many ... lives... Antidote. Can... we get.... anything for you... help? she asked, no knowing what the man would take her comments as, but trying to give helpful looking gestures as she spoke.

The greater part of Dominic's brain was focused on how he was going to get started on the poison analysis, and he replied distractedly.

"I need place to work. Quiet. With good... wind ?" Ventilation was the word he was really looking for, blasted Orlesian language. "Wind for bad smoke. No people." And preferably fireproof but communicating that was going to be tricky.

He was going to have to pack up for the day, but he'd had some good business already and the fee was worth it. For tomorrow though he'd have to find someone to mind his stall. The thought propelled a deep sigh out of his mouth. To find someone trustworthy by tomorrow morning was going to be tricky. Maybe on the Chantry board...?

"Ok wind...ventilation. Yes Ok, I'm sure we can find a good spot for you to work. Elinowy, anyplace spring to mind?" Katya said.

Elinowy thought for a moment. "I am new to Jader, I know few places at this point. I am sure we can ask the Chantry for some room, although they are quite busy with the Festival. There is also the Raven's Roost. They have been very generous giving space to me the last few days." she said then turned toward Dominic. "The Maker will provide... a place for you to work." she said giving adequate pantomime to denote the sanctimony of her statement. She turned back to Katya. "I am happy to inquire on behalf of the Chantry to anyplace you think might be adequate."

While the two ladies spoke, Dominic began packing up his wares. He couldn't leave them unattended and there wasn't time to hire an assistant now, so he'd just call it a day. In truth researching new brews was what he loved doing most - significantly more than attending customers - and the appeal of a decent challenge could not be ignored.

The boxes of perfumes and other brews were stacked neatly in his cart. It didn't take long because they were always presented in their boxes, so all he had to do was stack the boxes in his cart and make sure they were stable enough to prevent any breakage.

"Show way to me ?"

"GO ahead Elinowy. Let's take him to the Raven's Roost. They should be able to find a place for him to work." Katya said.

"I certainly shall." the sister replied back starting out walking ahead of the Cart in the direction of the Roost.

Dominic drove his cart back to the inn with the two women. He wasn't sure this was the best place to be dissolving poisons, what with the innocent bystanders staying nearby, but he was happy to let Elinowy and Katya take responsibility for that part of the operation. Half of his mind was already otherwise occupied, thinking up different tests to rule out various poisons. What a fun challenge this was going to be !

"Need, hum, open space," he said. "Wind ?" Ventilation was the word he was looking for. "Place for fire. And quiet."

"I will check with Tessa if she has proper space for our purposes." Elinowy replied. She wan't sure what the family had in available space, but she knew her laboratory back at the Chantry had been packed into very limited space, except when she needed space for blasting tests, then the yard by the laundry was quite usable. The Roost was just an Inn, but Dominic's experiments shouldnt need to explode... or would they?

Absolute silence while working was a bliss rarely achieved, but that wouldn't prevent Dominic searching for it, although he would tolerate a decent bard singing in the background if they absolutely must.

Katya motioned for Dominic to follow them as she led them over to the Ravens roost. They had a place that would suit Dominic she felt would fit his needs.



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