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A time to cleanse

Posted on 19 Jul 2021 @ 2:44am by Mage Kalian Winter & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas & Townsfolk Dominic Lesprin
Edited on on 19 Jul 2021 @ 2:53am

4,268 words; about a 21 minute read

Mission: Summerday La Fête
Location: Private Bathroom Raven's Roost Tavern
Timeline: Interspersed with 'The Gangs All Here'

Elinowy followed Tessa into the back room. A modest but more than adequate bathing tub had been moved into the room. Steam rose from the tub and the room scented of spices and flowers. Compared to how she had spent the last two days, it looked and smelled heavenly.

"I emptied the contents of your pockets before having your garments cleaned." Tessa gestured to a table near the bathtub, with Elinowy's bright red chantry robes neatly folded next to a wooden box, a bar of scented soap, a comb, and a big folded towel.

The Sister turned to Tessa. "Thank you for your generosity and kindness. I pray I have not brought misfortune on your family. Your brother... his... gifts... put me in an unorthodox position. I told your brother that I will personally oversee his spiritual journey as he draws nearer to the maker. If all stays on a benevolent path, I see no reason to inform the local Chantry or Templars of his status. It seemed the loving thing to do, as the maker would have it." she said, still not certain if she was deceiving herself that she could deflect the seductive allure of magic."

"Thank you," said Tessa, because gratitude was what Elinowy expected. She wondered if serial murderers, like the chantry, expected the people they didn't kill to thank them for their benevolence. But, it seemed that her brother had said and done what he had to, to remain both free and a member of the Jader community. Tessa had been afraid Kalian would self-banish to the forest like their grandmother. "You've had a difficult time, sister. I'm certain the mine workers are grateful for your intervention. Greed is the source of great evil."

Elinowy's reflection in a nearby mirror caught her attention. She moved a hand through her long red hair and shook her head. 'Oh dear, I am certainly a fright." her hand slide across the shredded blouse that stubbornly clung to her. "I do apologize. I believe I owe you a set of clothes. I shall repay you as soon as I am able. There was violence..." she stated, not fully wanting to come to terms with the pain and carnage she had witnessed in the last day.

"Kalian told me what happened in the mine, though of course he didn't have time for detailed description. Please don't worry about the borrowed clothes, they weren't much more than rags to begin with," said Tessa. "Just drop them on the floor. I'll leave you to your bath whilst it's still hot."

"Thank you." Elinowy exclaimed as Tessa backed out of the room closing the door behind her. The sister turned and looked at herself in the mirror. Her red hair was matted and did not have its usual fiery radiance and luster. Pride was certainly not a desireable trait in the Chantry, but Elinowy did take a certain joy in her appearance harkening unto the immolation of Andraste. She took a deep breath and prepared to get the filth of the last several days off of her. Her discernment journey left little time for luxuries like a hot bath. She had kept herself generally clean using streams and ponds as she came upon them, but it was a secondary concern to seeking out the poor that she might bless in some fashion.

The borrowed blouse mostly disintegrated as she tried to remove it from her body. She winced looking at the shredded blood soaked garment. Ruined as it was she carefully folded its remains and placed it down on a chair. The pants were easier to remove intact. She folded them in a similar manner and set them atop the blouse. She look again at herself in the mirror. It was a rare thing to look upon her own body. Her hips and thighs curiously less discolored by the dirt and mess of the week. The stark paleness of her skin certainly stood out. On her stomach she could clearly see the arcane symbols and imagery the High Seeker had ordered stenciled upon her. She felt that it besmirched the natural beauty of the maker's creation with it's lyrium laced elven glyphs, but she was assured that it was required in her ascendancy to Seeker and would benefit her in the future.

She turned away looking now upon the steam rising from the bath and the scented soaps. Defiled her body might be, but she was as the Maker made her, perfect and wonderful. She lifted her leg and felt the embrace of the warm waters in the tub. Another step and she lowered herself into the soothing waters. She didnt want to think of the layer of filth that was lifting form her body. She was determined to get lost in the moment of feeling calm, safe and comfortable. Her eyes closed she breathed deeply of the spiced aroma letting the terror of the previous day flow into the bath. Feeling her body start to relax, she took a deep breath and submerged herself in the waters to clean her hair.


A pressing need forced Dominic to look up from the recipe he had been working on. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, then rolled his shoulders, groaning as the knotted muscles relaxed. His glasses slid down his nose and he pushed them back up impatiently, glancing down at the neat cursive writing that covered his journal's pages. He'd been studying this recipe for a while and couldn't wait to actually try to brew it, but he knew better than do it inside an inn. Despite its beneficial uses, dragonwort smelled notoriously bad and he didn't want to get kicked out (again). After being on the road for so many days he'd rather enjoy the luxury of a soft bed and fresh food.

In the meantime he really needed to find the privy. With a sigh he dropped his quill and closed his journal, and ventured out of his room. The tap room downstairs looked quite lively despite the relatively early hour. No, actually it was closer to lunch by now, Dominic realized. He'd been working a while. He glanced around, vaguely hoping to find some sort of sign. There was a wooden door behind the bar. That must be it. He wished he could ask someone but by the time they understood his broken Orlesian, and assuming he managed to understand the answer... well, he probably couldn't hold it in that long.

Unobtrusively he pushed the door and walked through. It was darker in there, and the atmosphere was moist. Dominic sighed in annoyance when his glasses steamed up and he plucked them off his nose, squinting around in the hope of finding the damned privy.

From the wash tub in the center of the room, a head emerged inhaling deeply. Her eyes still closed she felt the water draining from her hair down her shoulder. She pushed her legs against the side of the tub and lifted her chest of the bath, enjoying the sensations of cool air moving across her finally clean flesh.

The sound of water made Dominic's eyes snap in that direction. He squinted through the steam at the human shape that was emerging from... a... bathtub ? Well, presumably there must be a toilet nearby then. This was a little bit awkward, but hopefully this fellow could point him in the right direction. He cleared his throat and tried to conjure up his best Orlesian.

"Sorry. Er. I look for... need room ?" As he spoke he approached the tub, and then stopped dead in his tracks when he realized that the gentleman he'd been talking to was not a gentleman at all. Without thinking he wiped his glasses and perched them back on his nose. Not only was this not a man, it was a... remarkably well endowed woman.

Her eyes snapped open at the sound of a man's voice, but took a moment to focus through the water and steam. No just a man, an unknown man. Her arm quickly crossed her breast to supply some cover, the water sadly was not so sudsy as she might have hoped. She turned on her side with her back to the man, exposing her derriere to him, but that was the lesser of evils at the moment. "What are you doing in here?! Get out! I will call the Guard. They are just in the other room, and they know me!" she called out, her arm reaching out of the tub to the towel that hung nearby. Grasping the soft fabric she pulled it into the bath and quickly draped it over herself.

Why the woman sounded so upset, Dominic couldn't fathom. There certainly wasn't anything objectionable with her body, as far as he could tell. Unless she had an embarrassing birth mark somewhere. Either way, she was speaking much too rapidly for him to make any sense of what she was saying.

"Is good," he rushed to say, having no desire to offend her. "You, er. Is looking good. No need..." No need to be emKalian Rhi ed, he wanted to say, but couldn't remember the words. He spread his hands apologetically. "Can you show me... private room ?" He couldn't remember the word for privy either.

Elinowy stood up in the bath wrapping the waterlogged towel around her and holding it closed across her chest. She gasped a little at the man's stumbling statement. "By the Maker, whatever your perceived notions are, we are not going to a private room and I am not a Harlot!" her words began to ring with righteous indignation and likely could be heard beyond the small room. She paused for a moment gathering her thoughts. The man had not made any aggressive moves, but she did move into ready position one, her feet squarely beneath her shoulders and her arms held as to move defensively or offensively as necessary. Still this was not necessarily a violence situation. She looked at the man as he struggled to keep his spectacles form steaming up. "Perhaps you are confused. This was a private room of the Inn Owner. If you turn and leave, I will cause no harm to you." her voice softening from the embarrassed anger she had lashed out with. The Maker wanted compassion, especially in the face of humility. She could think of few things more humbling than being caught naked and exposed. But this was where the Maker would teach her. "How may I help you sir?" she said calmly.

Again the woman spoke so quickly that the words merged together into an unintelligible string of foreign sounds. Dominic caught a few words - "private room", "harlot" and "harm" - and he found himself thoroughly confused by the woman's sudden change of demeanour. He blinked at her and pushed his glasses back up again, unsure how to extract himself from this awkward situation. Next time he'd just go out and find a tree suitable for the purpose. Should he take her up on her offer ? She looked fine but Dominic was not profoundly interested in matters of the flesh, and also he did not have money to spare on such frivolities. He tried to think of a way to tell her politely that he would pass this time.

Kalian burst into the mist-enshrouded room. "Hey! What do you think you're doing in here? Can't you see the lady is trying to take a-" Kalian stuttered to speechlessness when he saw Elinowy, in all her naked, barely-covered glory. He gasped, "Holy Andraste."

Dominic blinked at the newcomer and hoped fervently that this was not a jealous suitor or anything of the sort. The dark-skinned man did not have the appearance of a warrior, but that didn't mean he couldn't pack a mean punch.

"Sorry," he said, grasping for words. "Lady... show me private room to relieve need ?"

The shock of the stranger's sudden appearance and her embarrassment at her state of undress had started to subside as she looked to the challenges that the Maker presented her with. She held up her hand towards Kalian, "...It is... fine... this... gentleman is apparently in... need." her eyes focused closely on the man's features and movements, his growing anxiety of the situation assured her that his intent was not as forward as his words. She drew closer to Kalian. "I think perhaps he is a foreigner, or the Maker blessed his parents with a unique child for their care. She stepped toward the man her arms moving in slow forward gestures as she spoke very slowly and clearly. "You... are... safe... here. Please... tell.. me.. your... name... that.. we... might... help... you. you... need?"

Dominic tried not to sigh. He was a foreigner, not touched in the head. But at least now the red-haired lady spoke slowly enough for him to follow. He wondered if pointing to his crotch might be misinterpreted.

"I need..." he started laboriously, but before he could expand on exactly what he needed, a dwarf came in. Who didn't seem to have any issue ogling the naked lady.

Rhi had followed Kalian to the back. She came in just moments behind Kalian to see a man with steamed up glasses, Kalian and Elinowy. Her sword had been partially pulled, and stayed that way as her eyes found the gorgeous red haired woman standing in the bath, barely covered. Rhiannan had seen beautiful women before but none lime this cloister sister. She was so taken off guard that Rhi had not even heard Elinowy talking to the man. So when the words found their way through the fog in Rhi's head, she shook it slightly and them her attention shifted back to the man. Her hand on her swords hilt, eyes piercing this mans almost to his soul.

Kalian recovered somewhat from his shock. The soaking-wet towel left little to the imagination, and Andraste's holy knickers, what he imagined… Kalian became suddenly aware that his trousers were uncomfortably tight, just as the man's and Elinowy's words sank into the head on his shoulders.

"Oh. I get it." Kalian reluctantly turned away from the bathtub and casually – he hoped – adjusted his trousers. He spoke slowly to the bespectacled and befuddled man. "Are you looking for the privy, sir? Right this way. This is a common misunderstanding." Not that common really, Kalian was trying to be polite. He beckoned for the man to follow.

The dark-skinned man looked oddly uncomfortable but Dominic only felt abject gratitude as he was - finally - given the opportunity to escape this awkward situation, and most importantly, to empty his bladder.

"Thank you," he said, gathering the scraps of his dignity. "Yes. Privy is word I look for. Sorry," he nodded at the lady. "I not mean interrupt your pleasure time." He paused, frowned, nearly certain he'd gotten one of the words wrong. "Hum. Leisure time ?" He shrugged apologetically, a gesture he'd had many opportunities to practice in his travels. He glanced at the dwarf, whose hand rested not-so-casually on the hilt of her sword, and swiftly followed the dark-skinned man.

As Kalian left the room headed for the Inn's back door - where this guest would find the outhouse - he called over his shoulder to Elinowy and Rhiannon. "I'll be back shortly with a dry towel." And since there were now two pretty women in the bathing room, he added, "Two dry towels."

Rhi watched as the man stumbled over his words as he left the room with Kalian. As he paused by her, Rhi relaxed a bit seeing that he was not threat to Elinowy nor herself. As the two men left she heard Kalian call back about two pretty women and two towels. She grinned and laughed as she called back. "Extra fluffy, if you please."

She turned back to Elinowy, letting go of her sword hilt, and smiled. At was a genuine warm smile. Though there was concern in her eyes as she approached the tub. "Are you alright sister? Elinowy?"

Watching the intruder follow Kalian out of the room, Elinowy considered the truth of what the Maker was teaching her today. Even at her most vulnerable, there were often other reasons for why people behaved as they did. The strange man had meant her no harm. And her freinds had rushed to protect her. She looked up at Rhiannon. "I was just a bit startled. One does not usually expect a man with them when they are taking a bath." She smiled sweetly to Rhiannon. "Thank you for coming to check on me. Thank the Maker it was all just a misunderstanding." Taking the lower hem of the soaked bath towel around her, she started to wring it out into the bath tub. She had made a bit of a mess with water all over the floor. She looked around for a mop or another towel to start cleaning up the floor, not noticing how the young dwarf was looking at her.

Rhiannon gave the sister a warm smile. "Misunderstanding. It happens." She looked around and found a towel, picked it up and started to mop up the floor. All the while batting her eyes at Elinowy. "Elinowy, do not worry, finish your bath the beautiful."


"Thank you," Dominic said quietly after they'd exited the bathroom. "I, hum, not want start problem. Proshu proshcheniya."

He really hoped he wasn't going to get kicked out. It wouldn't be the first time, and at least this time it was summer, but he'd really like to enjoy clean sheets a few more nights. The sheets were clean, without bed bugs, and even smelled of lavender. This was comparatively one of the nicer places where he'd stayed in a long time.

Kalian couldn't understand the last thing the man said, but his apologetic demeaner came through loud and clear. "My name is Kalian." He opened the tavern's back door and held it open for the other man, pointed to his chest, and repeated, "Kalian." Then he pointed to the outhouse across the small courtyard.

"Thank you," Dominic said again. Hopefully, once his business was done, he could go back to his room to work on his new recipe, and not have to interact with living creatures again until dinner. One could only hope. He gave Kalian a slightly tense smile, as he was truly reaching the end of his ability to hold, and hurried across the courtyard.

Kalian watched for a moment to make sure Dominic was headed in the right direction, reflecting that he wouldn't actually mind if more of the Raven's guests circumvented the chamber pots in their rooms. Then he ducked into the storage room and collected two towels from the linen closet.

Returning to the door to the utility room – currently being used for bathing – Kalian knocked. "Uh. Elinowy and Rhiannon? Here are your towels..."

Rhi opened the door, she gave Kalian a mischievous grin. "Why thank you for the towels." As she slowly closed the door she gave him a wink and blew him a kiss.

Kalian blinked as the pretty dwarf took the towels from him and shut the door. The view he had been hoping for replaced by a wooden barrier. Maker's breath.

Elinowy wanted to thank Kalian for coming to her rescue and bringing towels, but just like that the door was shut and Rhi the dwarf had taken the towels. Elinowy smiled sweetly at the dwarf. "Thank you. I think I have cleansed myself enough. I need to get changed and rejoin the others." She reached out to take one of the clean warm towels, and unfastened the soaking one draped around her. It fell to the floor allowing Rhiannon to look upon the intricate eldritch tattoo emblazoned upon her stomach and lower abdomen. She wrapped herself in the clean towel and breifly looked at her self in the nearby mirror. "A bit more respectable now." Her hand moved through the wet tangle of red hair on her head. She looked at the dwarf. "Are you by chance skilled at making braids? Something simple for my presentation to the local Revered Mother?"

Rhi watched in silence as the red haired sister stepped out of the bath, let the wet towel drop as she took a new warm towel to wrap around herself. She noticed the beautiful tattoo across the womans stomach and lower abdomen. Her eyes twinkled in the candle light as she moved to stand behind the woman as she say at the table with the mirror.

When Elinowy asked if she knew how to do braids Rhi gave a nod. "Yes sister, I do." Her voice was low with a bedroom tone to it. She took the brush, slowly, gently started to brush Elinowy's hair. As she did she started the braid. As she worked she spoke quietly. "Your tattoo. It is very beautiful. I have never seen anything like it before. Does it have a meaning"

The gentle tugs on her scalp hearkened back to her days as a child in the orphanage when the Chantry sisters would pull a stiff comb through the tangle mass of hair on their heads. Braids had been a means of keeping one self tidy for inspection by the sisters and putting the tugging off for another day or two. The dwarf's hands were a luxury. She closed her eyes allowing herself to feel the kind touches. She smiled.

"I am afraid I do not know exactly the significance of the glyph. The Grand Cleric ordered it put upon me as I entered my time of discernment. I presume it is some form of Ward of Protection. I neither speak elf nor am skilled in the mystic arts so as to know their meaning. But I am meant to present it to those in authority of the Chantry if detained or questioned."

She felt the dwarf interweaving her hair. "Thank you for this kindness. If I am to meet with the local Revered Mother, I want to present a kindly appearance. Some of the order find a necessity for that. At least Tessa cleaned my robes. It will be good to get back into them again, I can't walk about in a towel everywhere I go." she laughed.

Rhi listened quietly as Elinowy told her what she knew of her tattoo. Her mind lost in the intricacies of the tattoo and Elinowy's voice. Gods this woman was beautiful, Rhi thought. When Elinowy spoke of showing it if she was detained or questioned, Rhi spoke. "A symbol of importance. Allowing you passage or giving you authority to do something. Or over others. Interesting. Those are the possibilities. I have a tattoo that allows me safe passage among certain groups, authority over others groups and equal footing with the rest. It is two roses and a set of owl eyes with the beak." She took a breath and let it out slowly then continued. "I may show it to you someday. This said with both a bit of laughter and a hint of sadness.She leaned back and smiled at the braid she had done. "All done Elinowy. You look beautiful." Her voice was low, held a bit of sadness. Though Elinowy had only known Rhi a very short bit of time, there was a definite shift in the dwarf womans ddemeanor.

Elinowy gave a wide smile to Rhi. "You are kind. We are all beautiful children of the Maker." she responded with practiced but sincere humility. She looked on her visage in the mirror, please with the wrapped braid that rested on her head like a bejeweled diadem. "It looks perfect. Maker bless you."

She stepped back and smiled at Elinowy. That change in Rhiannons demeanor was gone and the dwarfs seeming mischievousness and flirty nature was back. With a wink she handed Elinowy the other towel. "I must say that I did a great job. Course when you have such gorgeous hair to work with." She shifted from one foot to the other. "Is there anything else that you would like me to do for you?"

Bowing her head slightly she smiled back at the dwarf. "You have been very helpful. Thank you. I just need to get back into my proper clothes." she stated, releasing the towel with one hand and placing it on the chair as she picked her folded robes up and reeled out fer formal Chantry habit. "I hope that you will let me repay your kindness in the near future." she stated kindly as she stepped into the habit and pulled it up over her shoulders. The scarlet robes were simple but looked regal on the young woman. She pulled up the lightweight hood and allowed it to rest the flame red corona of braids on her head. Elinowy looked at herself in her full robes and let out a long exhale. "It's good to be back." she stated, turning back to Rhi, the robes flowing in her wake. "Shall we rejoin our companions?"

Rhi watched as Elinowy got dressed and finished getting ready. She was a beautiful women. In all of the travels Rhiannon has had, she had never seen a more beautiful women. When Elinowy was done and asked if she was ready to join the others, Rhi gave a nod. "Ye.....yes. We should rejoin our companions." This said as she moved to the door to open it. Blushing.


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