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A Cunning Plan

Posted on 23 Aug 2022 @ 8:30pm by Mage Kalian Winter & Warrior Martin Josceran & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Warrior Katya Charbonnet (Shar-bon-ay) & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas

2,792 words; about a 14 minute read

Mission: Summerday La Fête
Location: Raven's Roost Tavern
Timeline: Cloudreach 25th, night

With baby Gabriel in his sling and Iris skipping along beside her overloaded with sugary treats, Tessa had left her husband and father at the festival engaged in a lively discussion with Ben's cousin about the merits of hops grown in the northern region of Nevarra. The sun had set but the festival was still in full swing. She had plenty of time to get Iris settled in bed before the Raven's lodgers returned to their rooms for the night.

Tessa pushed open the front door of the Raven's Roost and greeted Cook and Lucia. Iris chattered to them about the festival while Tessa nursed Gabriel, and soon Iris had wound down and fallen asleep in Lucia's lap. That was when Cook and Lucia told her what they'd overheard about what her brother Kalian and his friends were up to. By the time Dominic, Elinowy, and Katya returned to the Raven's Roost, Tessa had sent Cook and Lucia home, Iris and Gabriel were asleep in their grandfather's room on the first floor, and Tessa was waiting when the door opened.

The scarlet clad sister entered first, her face in a welcoming smile, that certainly bode trouble. "Tessa, the Maker's blessing upon you and your house. We have uncovered a plot at the festival that requires your boarder Dominic to perform some tests. He needs space for his studies in relative quiet if you have anywhere that would be suitable, with a fire nearby."

"There's a fenced-in garden behind the tavern, Dominic can work out there," said Tessa. Just when she was about to ask after Kalian, the door opened again.

Kalian walked in first with a broad smile on his face, then held the door for Rhiannon and Martin. The smile fell when he saw Tessa with her arms folded and giving him that we're gonna talk about this later look. "Tessa, my friends and I need a place to talk privately," said Kalian. Even though the tavern appeared empty, anyone could walk through the door at any time. "We'll use the cottage if that's all right."

Rhi followed Kalian in and gave a nod and a warm smile to Tessa. She hoped that the two of them would get the chance soon to talk. For now she followed Kalian out to the cottage.

The nervous agitation Elinowy felt when Kalian was near began to well up. She reminded herself they were all here to do the Maker's work for the good of the people of Jader, even the dwarven woman that kept along with Kalian. Elinowy liked Rihannon but something about the two of them as a couple rubbed the sister was wrong. Certainly inter species relations were not unusual in Jader and not even condemned, except maybe with elves, which only made sense, but this was different. the sister strove to drive the thoughts from her mind and gave a smile and a slight wave to Kalian... and Rhiannon.

Katya saw that look. She knew it meant Tessa was mad at Kalian. "Hello Tessa! It's good to see you again. " If Tessa wasn't married, Katya would go for her in a heartbeat!

Rhi gave Elinowy a warm smile at the woman's wave. A touch of blush rising in her cheeks. Even though she was with Kalian, she could appreciate beauty. And by the Maker, the sister was definitely that.

"Hello," Martin said, a little self-conscious. He knew that since they'd met Kalian had been dragged into a number of unsavoury adventures and that Tessa must worry about him. And he, Martin, was largely responsible for that. He hoped Tessa did not think too badly of him for accepting help, when it was so sorely needed.

Tessa's scowl for her brother, which was more about worry for him than actual disapproval, softened when she was greeted by his friends. For all Kalian's foolhardy poking around in things that were beyond his responsibility, he had good judgement when it came to his friends. And from what Cook and Lucia said, this was important. "Welcome. You can all speak privately in my home."

It was the first time Martin saw the Raven's backyard. It was small but pleasant, a few abandoned toys in the grass suggesting that it was often used as a playground for the children.

Elinowy made herself useful by collecting the discarded toys in the area that Dominic had been directed to set up. She was intrigued to see the master potion maker at work. While only a hobby, she was no novice to the brewing of potions, but this man, odd as he was, did it as a vocation. She was most interested and gravitated to where he began setting up his work.

Dominic, who had been mostly ignoring everyone else, identified a suitable spot for his work and started setting up his supplies. There was coal in a bronze dish, made especially to contain the fire needed to heat his preparations. Upon it sat a small cauldron, too small for his usual preparations but perfect to adjust the heat on smaller experiments. Then a number of base ingredients, pure alcohol, a thin white cloth used as a filter. The first thing Dominic did was pour a measure of the wine in his cauldron and stoke his fire to reach a soft boil. Another measure of the wine he set in a small glass decanted and left it to rest ; he would examine the deposits, once they rested at the bottom. As he worked he waved the onlookers away.

"Not get close," he said testily. Didn't these fools know better than to inhale potentially poisonous fumes ? He himself tied a cloth around his mouth and nose, as a small measure of protection.

Elinowy drew her scarlet hood across her face. She knew the protocols for safely handling volital substances. Nothing looked explosive, but there were other dangers. He quickly prodded her away from his work area along with the others.

Rhi watched as Dominic prepared for the work he was about to do. She herself has done this before, both producing potions, of various types and analyzing as well. She also knew that she was not as proficient as Dominic was at potions. So when he said and motioned to stop back, Rhi did not hesitate.

Kalian led them the short distance to the cottage. It had been his childhood home with Tessa and their parents, before that fateful incident with a chevalier left his mother dead, his father permanently disabled, and himself revealed to have magic. Now Tessa lived here with her husband and two children.

Thus shooed by Dominic, the rest of them retired to the cottage. Like the main body of the tavern, it had a pleasant cosy feeling to it, with clearly a woman's touch in the decoration and set-up of the furniture. A large, rustic table occupied a large part of the living room and that is where they sat to discuss their findings.

Meanwhile Martin had begun reading the letter they had retrieved from the warehouse. The handwriting was rough, he noted ; the quill had pierced the paper and dripped ink several times, suggesting whoever had written that was not a cleric. A look at the signature confirmed it - Carlos Acerbi. The name of Roberton's second in command, according to Kalian and Rhiannon.

The letter complained about thieves having broken in the warehouse. The irony made Martin snort - thieves being robbed. What was Jader coming to. The rest of the letter however wiped all trace of amusement from his face.

"...despite this drawback there are enough blue-eyed bottles left to serve your purpose. I wouldn't worry about the thieves - they will take care of themselves when they try to enjoy their unearned spoils. As such, I await your further wishes on this matter, so that we may conclude this business to our mutual satisfaction."

On the other side of the paper another short message was scrawled, clearly not from the same hand. This one was clearly trained in calligraphy, with firm, elegantly scribed letters slightly slanted to the right.

"Deliver the remaining bottles immediately." The laconic message bore no signature. The top of the letter had been torn off though, suggesting that at least one of the two people involved in this damning correspondence was clever enough not to leave their names on it.

Clever and educated. That pointed directly to either the Chantry or the nobility. Neither option was very palatable. To serve your purpose, the letter had said - what purpose could that be ?

Elinowy had found a comfortable looking chair to settle in as Martin read his findings. Her face was not amused. Someone with power was planning something truly evil for the citizens of Jader. She should really report this to the Chantry, Revered Mother Giselle would know what to make of it.

"OK so where do we go from here?" Katya asked. "We got the bottles and our guest is figuring out the poison. The problem is we don't know have any idea who is behind this." She sighed. She wished she had a girlfriend to be with, to talk things over with. Perhaps someday.

Rhiannon moved to sit next to Kalian then started to fiddled with one of the rings she had procured as Martin began to read. A beautiful crimson colored ruby, marquis cut, with two small pearls at each point in a gold setting.

When both Martin and Katya, Rhi looked to everyone, stopping at Martin. "If Dominic proves that the bottles are poisoned, then we have no other choice but to take it to the guard. (looks to Katya) As for who is truly behind it, that is something that can be worked out. We do know that Carlos Acerbi is involved." She paused, then looked back at Martin. "To find out what Carlos knows, may require a bit of.....(pause) Let's just say, a firm talking to, away from prying eyes. (pause) Hypothetically speaking of course."

Kalian looked up from the ledger, his eyebrows knit together with worry. "I'm not so sure it's a good idea to take this matter to the city guard." He gave Martin an apologetic shrug and pointed to entries in the ledger. "I see at least three names here in Acerbi's ledger that I recognize as city guards. Moonlighting as warehouse guards is probably not completely illegal, but… it's suspicious. And Captain Landry is on his payroll too. A large weekly sum." Although he had not been there when the guard captain threatened to punish them all for saving the refugee miners, he had wondered what Landry had to gain by doing nothing to stop the refugees being exploited. "If we report this to the city guard, we might well be the ones thrown in jail, while innocent people are poisoned."

"I agree with Kalian. I don't trust the city guard," said Katya.

Rhi had known cities where the city guard were on the take, in one way shape or form. She had not been in Jadar long enough to really know how corrupt Jadar might be. She had heard from her mother though she always wanted to confirm for herself. "Well, I for one do not want to become a resident of the local establishments barred apartments."

Kalian put his arm around Rhiannon's shoulders and gave her a hug. "Let's not forget we have one city guardsman here with us that we know we can trust." He nodded to Martin. "As a whole, the guard are good people. But with the Summerday Festival in full swing, drink flowing and all, the city guard is stretched thin. I'm sure Martin has a good idea of who we can trust, who is beyond reproach." He looked down at the ledger again, and then at Martin. "Where these particular guardsmen are assigned for their duty shifts could be a clue."

Though she really liked Kalian the feeling she got when he put his arm around shoulders, something changed. For that moment, his concern, made her heart skip a beat. She felt the heat of a blush cross her face and her crimson eyes seemed to flash red. For the first time in a very long time she had trouble speaking. "Ye.......y.......yes. I can trust Martin with my life." Those there could hear the complete honesty in her voice.

That ledger and what it implied about Captain Landry and some of his fellow guardsmen was hard to absorb and difficult to believe. Sure, the city guard was not perfect, but if Landry and that handful of guards had betrayed the city's trust, then Martin would do whatever it took to purge the criminals and recover the Jader City Guard's integrity.

"It must be just a few bad apples. I will find out which patrols the guardsmen listed in the ledger are assigned to, and I'll speak with a few guards I know well and trust," said Martin.

Kalian rubbed his stubbled chin thoughtfully. "It's a Jader traditional for the revered mother to host a large banquet on the third day of the Summerday festival, when we celebrate the Maker's abundance. What if someone is planning to serve the wine then?"

"That concerns me to no end. If the wine they served is poisoned then many would get sick. Some might even die! Perhaps even the reverend Mother herself. If anything happened to her,.. well we just can let it! The reverend Mother is too important. Perhaps we should warn her of the possibility of being poisoned!" Katya said.

"I agree with Katya. The reverend mother should be warned." Rhiannon paused for a moment then continued. "What if we exchange the poisoned ones for non poisoned ones and mark them as of they were."

"If we could verify the wine has been moved to the chantry wine cellar, that would be confirmation that Mother Giselle could be the target. Exchanging the poisoned bottles and warning Mother Giselle would be the ideal solution," said Kalian. "But if Revered Mother Giselle is the target, then who is her would-be murderer? Everyone in Jader loves Mother Giselle after everything she did for the city during the Blight. Who stands to gain by her death?"

"Kalian, I have lived here all my life and I know I love Mother Giselle very much! However I know some people don't like what she did during the blight and even Mother Giselle has enemies. Profit? well many might profit by having someone they can control in Mother Giselle's place. The next in line to be Reverend Mother is Isouda. Elinowy, what do you know of Isouda? Could she be involved in poisoning Mother Giselle?" Katya asked.

Elinowy covered her mouth with her hands. "Surely no! All sister's have a sworn duty to protect each other and our community. Elder Isouda has been gruff the few times I have met her, and perhaps has tried to manipulate events to make those she does not agree with look unfavorable, but poison! A Revered Mother?! It's unheard of," she said with great dramatic flair, although the more she thought about some of the sisters in the upper echelons of the Chantry, she had to consider it could be a possibility. "I mean, Mother Giselle if very beloved locally, but perhaps not as much in Val Royeaux, they tend to play in politics more than piety. Elder Isouda seems to have ambitions, which may be natural to any, but she is very driven. Do you think she could turn on her appointed Mother?" she said both shocked and horrified at the real potential of it.

"Yes I do. I don't trust her. She is too ambitious. The fact is we don't know who we can trust other than Mother Giselle. We have to save her! I don't trust Isouda!" Katya said.

Rhi listened to the others, when Katya was done Rhi gave a wicked smile. "Well. She could have an........(pause, wicked grin) I can get a few of my crew to watch her. They would be very discreet."

"That's a good idea Rhi, discreetly watching Isouda. What we have here so far is suspicion and circumstantial evidence. I'm worried that if we confront Isouda directly, she'll have us arrested, then try some other approach." Kalian was quiet for a moment, looking at each of his friends in turn. "Dominic will have all day tomorrow to make antidote for the poison. Then I think the day after each of us should attend the banquet separately, so we're spread out around the space, and even if one or two of us can't get in, we can still stop whatever happens."



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