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Posted on 29 Apr 2021 @ 2:00am by Rogue Jaslyn & Warrior Martin Josceran & Warrior Rhiannon Cadash & Rogue Cainan Sauvage & Rogue Elinowy Ursulas

3,108 words; about a 16 minute read

Mission: Lore's Labour's Lost
Location: Jader
Timeline: Cloudreach 18th - Midday

It was an unusual convoy that headed back to Jader in the aftermath of the mine battle. Two big carts carried the miners too weak to walk ; the others followed in a more or less orderly fashion under Captain Landry's watchful eye. Kalian had somehow disappeared - vanished into thin air might be a more accurate description. Cainan, Jaslyn, Elinowy, Martin and Rhiannon had helped load the wounded onto the cart and then had started the long journey back home. Rhiannon and two of her three remaining dwarven guards rode their small horses, with Elinowy on the fourth horse that had belonged to her deceased guard. Cainan and Jaslyn rode the horses they had arrived on.

The sun reached its zenith as they arrived. Captain Landry gave quick orders to take the miners to the Chantry so they could receive some much-needed medical attention before they were escorted back home. Then, turning around, she eyed critically the small group of civilians and her one rogue guard.

"I do not approve of vigilantes," she said, in a quiet but steely voice. "Your actions today had a positive outcome, luckily, but they could have had terrible consequences. I expect more of responsible Jader gentry, Grey Wardens, Chantry sisters..." her hard gaze spared none of them. "...and most of all my own men." Her final look at Martin was positively glacial. "I do not have the authority to punish most of you, but I do ask you, should you ever find yourselves in similar circumstances, to report to the guard first -" she glanced at Jaslyn, " - and not act on your own. I trust nothing like this will ever happen again."

Jaslyn glanced at Cainan and rolled her eyes. She was barely listening to Landry drone on. She'd had her fill of that particular type of human before she became a Grey Warden. Landry was the kind that took credit for her underlings' hard work then punished them for the reminder of her own ineptitude. The guard captain got caught with her knickers around her ankles for all of Jader to see, and now she was yelling at everyone else, blaming the people who did her job for her.

Cainan chuckled at Jaslyn, audibly enough that he was certain that the guard captain had heard him, but didn’t care to look. Expecting more of Orlesian gentry…? She was clearly setting herself up for disappointment.

Technically, Martin thought, his friends had reported to the Guard - him. He was wise enough not to say that out loud though. At this point there was not much to do but bow his head and take his punishment gracefully.

"However, what's done is done. I will ask you all to give statements, when you feel able but preferably within a day, while the recollection is still fresh in your minds. Until then you are free to go, Monsieur Sauvage, Warden."

Jaslyn had more than enough of the arrogant bully of a city guard captain. "You forget the limitations of your authority, guard captain. I am a Grey Warden, and not your underling. I will make my report to Warden Commander Luca Duclos and Lady Seryl. And you can be certain that I will report, in explicit detail, the utter and complete incompetence of the Jader City Guard under your leadership. You spectacularly failed to protect and defend the citizens of Jader from torture, enslavement, and exploitation. Look at these people. Look how they suffered because you sat on your arse and ignored the disappearances and abuse going on for weeks right under your indifferent pompous nose, and did nothing. These people would still be suffering if not for the heroism of exactly one city guard and his friends. And you know it just as well as these poor people."

Jaslyn flicked the reins of her mount and trotted toward the stables.

Cainan watched as Jaslyn lifted up in the stirrups and trotted off, and stared for a moment before sniggering.

“Well put,” he added, even though Jaslyn was now well out of earshot. Still in focus, though, as he kept his eyes on her; hells, but the woman could even make storming off seem sexy. He took a sharp intake of breath before continuing. “And - as many of your guards from the docks can attest, any statement I give will be marred by my penchant for extravagant lies and seeing the veins pop as you untangle them," he said, his tone the epitome of noble privilege. He could have stuck his nose in the air, but he felt the tone implied nicely enough that it was. "If that sounds like fun for you, feel free to drop by my apartments - but if you do, wear something revealing and bring a bottle of wine; I wouldn’t want the neighbours to think I’d gone soft, or… upstanding,” he finished, with a mock shudder. He flashed her a smirk and heeled into the horse gently to take off to a canter, aiming to catch up with Jaslyn. "Ladies," he said in mock salute as he drifted past the main group of guards, most of whom were notably men.

Captain Landry's expression grew more and more sour as she was snubbed by the Grey Warden and mocked by that womanizing nobleman. She might have pointed out that a Grey Warden's purview was limited to Blights, of which none were expected anytime soon, and nobleman or not this womanizing fop still would have to answer to her in front of the court, if she deemed it necessary. But rather than yell after them in an undignified manner she said nothing. She was not interested in face, or ego, or empty threats ; only in what she could, or could not do. And while the Grey Warden was out of her reach, Monsieur Sauvage would get a visit from her guards whether he liked it or not.

"Now, mademoiselle... Cadash, was it ?" She turned her attention to Rhiannon, taking in her colourful outfit and jewelry. There was no hiding that the young dwarf was not from around here. "I would like to hear more about your involvement in this... misadventure. If you can spare me a moment." Though she remained courteous, it was more an order than an invitation.

Rhiannon had been listening and had been smiling the whole time. She liked to stay quiet when others talked. It is a great way to learn about others. She looked to Captain Landry when the woman asked about her involvement. She gave the Captain a warm somewhat mischievous grin. "Well Captain Landry, I had met these two here, (motions to Elinowy, Martin), on the road when I was on my way to meet with Roxa. I had a business meeting scheduled with the woman. We had discussed price and she took me on a tour of the facility. I was down in the mines when all hell broke loose. Then Roxa threatened to kill me. I decided that it wasn't my time to return to the stone. So I returned her to the stone." Rhi let out a bit of a wicked laugh. "Anything else you need to know there Mon-Capitan?"

Landry did not look amused. "So you confess to killing Roxa, your former business partner. Did she only threaten or did she actually try to kill you ?"

The captain stared at Rhiannon as she spoke, taking note of her young age, her colourful clothes and the weapons she carried.

Rhiannon listened quietly as the Captain pretty much accused her of murder. Well manslaughter at the very least. Without missing a beat Rhi shifted on her horse so that she could lift her shirt high enough to show the wounds that Roxa had inflicted. "First of all, my dear Captain. Roxa was not my business partner. She had contacted my mother and myself to see if we could arrange a shipping contract. Our talks had not concluded when everything went down. (pulling her blouse up to show the long slice across her stomach) I would say that I am justified in defending myself against an attacker." She lowered her shirt and smiled brightly at the Captain.

"And what exactly was your business with Roxa ?" Landry pressed. She had not missed the fact that Rhiannon had only turned against Roxa when her own life had been in danger, not because she cared about the miners' plight. She wondered if the young dwarf had been aware all along of Roxa's operation. If so, she was much less innocent than she wanted to appear ; but without proof, there was little Landry could do about it.

Rhi gave a small sigh as they rode along. This woman was starting to ask question that didn't need to be answered. Well not completely anyway. "Like I said before Captain. I came to bargain for a shipping contract. My mother and I own the Night's Kiss. We haul cargo where you want it to go. As long as it is legal and the price is right." She paused for a moment then continued. "Understand Captain. I had no idea as to what this Roxa woman was doing here. As for everything else. The woman must have thought that I was in with the workers, or had decided that my offer wasn't to her liking. Either way, she struck first. I struck last. As for what she was doing. Once I realized what was happening. I had planned on coming straight to the guards , after leaving the mine, to tell them/you what I had seen. (pause) Like any decent person, I couldn't and would not have stood by and let this happen." She smiled warmly at Captain Landry.

Landry did not believe Rhiannon for a second. Roxa had run her little operation for weeks under her nose, without being found out ; she wouldn't trust just anyone. If she'd taken the risk of inviting Rhiannon to see the operation for herself, she must have known she wasn't going to tattle to the law.

Then again, Roxa was dead, so her judgment could be questioned. She'd clearly miscalculated. Even so, this Rhiannon would bear watching.

"I'm pleased to see you're an upstanding citizen," Landry said, without bothering to pretend she actually believed it. Her smile looked like she had recently regurgitated darkspawn blood. "I'm going to ask you to give your testimony, and to not leave town until our enquiry is completed. In the meantime..." she turned to look at the Chantry Sister. She had doubts about her as well, especially since she hadn't been notified of the arrival of any new Sisters in town.

Rhi heard the Captains tone and knew that she didn't completely believe her. It wasn't the first time and wouldn't be the last time that Rhi wouldn't be believed. She gave the Captain a big smile.

"Sister Elinowy, I have sent word to the Chantry of your presence. One of my guards will escort you, so that you may safely arrive." The captain's eye twitched slightly as she stared at Elinowy's outfit. "Someone give the sister a jacket."

Audrey, who was standing nearby, wordlessly shrugged off her jacket and handed it over to Elinowy.

Elinowy took the offered jacket and quickly wrapped it around herself hoping to retain some level of decency in the process. "Bless you Captain. Bringing me to the Chantry is unnecessary. But as you have notified them, I had best check in. Would it be possible to have Constable Josceran escort me? I have benefited from his care these last few days, and would appreciate someone with whom I am familiar escorting me in my current condition," she said with the authority of one established in the Chantry.

Jaslyn had slowed her mount to a walk as she neared the stables and looked over her shoulder at Cainan. "Even with the mine workers freed, I still have a bad feeling about the whole situation," she said without preamble as she swung out of the saddle. "An operation on that scale… someone on the city guard had to be taking bribes to block any investigation. At the moment, all evidence points to Landry. I'd like to visit with those supposed vigilante friends of yours."

Cainan chuckled at that, seeing as he had only met them from attempting to flirt with the revered sister a couple of days before, and yet now the guard captain would be writing them under 'known associates' in the file he imagined she had on him. "Well, that can be arranged; Kalian's family runs the Raven's Roost, it's one of the bars near the docks district," he added, nodding back to the group. "Though I should probably say I know them only a little, I fear the good Captain overestimates my connection to them," he added. That said, a group willing to dive head first into an illegal mining operation seemed like good friends to have. He clicked the reins and the horse picked up the pace, as the road towards the stable evened out.

Jaslyn followed, walking her mare into the stable to hand off to a groom. "What of your friends, Felix and Harlan? Will they be all right? If there's anything I can do - help confront Richelieu, find Robertson, whatever - I'll be there." Jaslyn fixed him with a sultry smile. "And of course I'll be wanting more games of wicked grace."

Cainan was genuinely touched, before the thought of additional games made him feel decidedly eager to return home. "Oh, I'm always up for a game," he replied, remembering their night of play fondly. But he let that sit for a moment and returned to the rest of what she had said. "Felix will be fine, he basically bounces. Always falling around the deck, I'm amazed every time he makes it back to port. Harlan... I don't know. If I'm honest, the wounds will heal but the scars might linger. Harlan has always been one to keep as much sky above him as possible. They were kept down there for... well, long enough that they didn't know how long." He sighed, thinking back to the two men collapsing in the sunlight. They had been horribly pale. "I will be going after Robertson. Felix and Harlan... they suffered. But he murdered Julanna. And that's a score that needs to be settled."

"Julana's brother lives in the Jader alienage and will want to know what happened to her," said Jaslyn. "You're welcome to go with me when I report to Hahren Liriel. We can call on him together."

The elf turned toward the sound of more horses arriving at the stables, to see the dwarf Rhiannon and her two dwarven guards. As far as Jaslyn knew, the pretty dwarf had been the only one to offer the rightful mine owners any kind practical help with their current predicament. "Rhiannon," Jaslyn called out in welcome. "Cainan, did you meet Rhiannon? Her mother is the captain of the Night's Kiss."

Rhi looked over when she got down off her horse to the woman who had mentioned her name. A wide warm smile crossed her face when she saw it was the pretty one who had been in the house with the mine owners. She walked over, with that sea sway in her steps. "Jaslyn." Her tone warm, inviting and suggestive. Just like her smile. She looked to the man who Jaslyn had spoken to. She reached out her hand and smiled. Though this was more businesslike. "Hello Cainan. It is nice to meet you." She eyed him up and down briefly, then gave him a wink. "Very nice."

Cainan gave a mock wave of pshaw, as he returned her appreciative gaze, if only to be polite.

Jaslyn returned the dwarf's flirtatious smirk, then her expression became somber when she saw Rhiannon's two men and their four horses, one riderless. "I understand you lost a man. I offer my deepest condolences to you and his family." The elf looked to Cainan, wondering if he would mention his friends, Felix and Harlan, recovering sailors.

Rhi turned her attention back to Jaslyn when she mentioned Rhi's fallen guard. Her demeanor changed a little as did her tone. "Yes, thank you. He was one of my personal guard. He will be missed. I will have to inform his family. They will be well compensate for their loss." She took another moment before she spoke again. "So I need a drink. Where is a good place." She looks again to Jaslyn.

Cainan stroked the neck of the horse, thinking on her lost man. "I believe some of us will be at the Raven's Roost bar once we get back to town; you and your men would be welcome, I'm sure," he added, looking back over his shoulder. "So you're a sailor? Are you based out of Jader, or just passing through?" he asked, wondering if Harlan and Felix would want him to be volunteering them for a crew they knew nothing about, especially given recent events; they had been taken from their crew, and it had disintegrated as a result. Even worse, their captain, the man who was supposed to have their back, let it happen. He'd have to talk with them, but it was good to get to know this Rhiannon, if only to potentially introduce them later and see if they got on.

Rhi looked to Cainan and gave him a nod. "Yes, a sailor I am. As for being based out of Jader, we are. Sorta. We have our own dock site, warehouse and office, though it has only been a month. My mother and I are expanding from our home base. I just struck a deal with the mine owners today so we now have more of a stake in Jader. I personally plan on staying in port for awhile. This is my first time here. Mother picked me up from home before docking the other day." She sent her two of her guards off along with the extra horse. She looked between Jaslyn and Cainan, "So what does a good looking dwarf have to do to get a drink around here?" This said with a mischievous light hearted tone.

Jaslyn grinned. "We're headed to the Raven's Roost now. Come with us. I think we've all earned a celebratory drink or… several."



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